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California Runoff Rundown

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Nonpoint source water pollution has emerged as California's and the nation's top water pollution problem. For three years, the Water Education Foundation had a grant from the State Water Resources Control Board with funding from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under the Federal Nonpoint Source Pollution Control Program (Clean Water Act Section 319) to fund The California Runoff Rundown.

This semiannual newsletter focused on how stakeholders and regulators are using creative strategies to address the challenges posed by nonpoint source pollution. The free newsletter brought readers examples of successful strategies being used across California to keep nonpoint source pollutants out of the waterbodies we all depend on for a host of uses.

Unfortunately, the original federal and state grant expired this year and the Fall 2008 issue could be the last edition. If you know of any potential funding sources or have a story to share, please contact Susan Lauer at slauer@watereducation.org