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Media Note
Office of the Spokesman
Washington, DC
May 19, 2006

Personnel Changes in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs

Liz Cheney, Near Eastern Affairs Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary and Coordinator for Broader Middle East Initiatives, is leaving the State Department to have a baby. During three years at the Department, first as a Deputy Assistant Secretary in Near Eastern Affairs and for the last year as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Cheney made invaluable contributions to the promotion of freedom across the Broader Middle East and North Africa. She designed and launched the Middle East Partnership Initiative, a $393 million effort now funding over 350 programs to advance political, economic and educational reform and empower women across 14 countries. The Secretary is grateful for Liz's vision, leadership, and dedication.

Ambassador Jim Jeffrey, former Deputy Chief of Mission in Baghdad and current Coordinator for Iraq, will take over duties as the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs. Scott Carpenter, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs, will assume the duties of Coordinator for the Broader Middle East and North Africa Initiatives. He will retain his position as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Near Eastern Affairs. The Secretary has asked Ambassador David Satterfield, currently our Deputy Chief of Mission in Baghdad and formerly Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs and U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon, to replace Ambassador Jeffrey as Senior Advisor to the Secretary for Iraq.

Deputy Assistant Secretary Rob Danin will replace Deputy Assistant Secretary Liz Dibble, who is moving to another senior Department position. Danin will assume the same portfolio - Israel and Palestinian Affairs, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria.


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