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Press Statement
Sean McCormack, Spokesman
Washington, DC
May 5, 2006

Lebanon and Syria

The United States condemns the issuance of warrants by a Syrian military court for Lebanese MP Walid Jumblatt, Telecom Minister Marwan Hamadeh, and journalist Fares Kashan to appear for questioning. These warrants are allegedly connected to a case filed by the Syrian military judiciary against the three Lebanese for "inciting the US administration to occupy Syria" and "defaming" Damascus by holding it responsible for the assassinations and bombings in Lebanon last year. These actions are cynical attempts by the Syrian government to continue its interference in the Lebanese political process. These actions must come to an end now.

The international community will continue to hold the Syrian regime accountable for its behavior and has underscored the necessity of Syrian cooperation with the UN International Independent Investigation Commission (UNIIIC) investigation of the Hariri assassination and implementation of UNSCR 1559, including by delineating its border with Lebanon, and establishing normal bilateral relations with Lebanon as evidence of its acceptance of Lebanese sovereignty.

The United States, and the international community, stand with the Lebanese people as they seek to reassert their independence and strengthen their democracy, and we support their call for truth and justice.


Released on May 5, 2006

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