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Check Your Wallet often and report lost or stolen cards immediately. Follow up in writing. Your debit card is the key to your money. Hang on to it.


Play It Cool. Know what's going on around you when using your debit card and always shield the screen and keyboard.


Check Your Statements. Know what you've spent and where so you can spot problems and contact the issuer right away. Follow up in writing.


Check the Calendar. Keep track of when your cards and statements should arrive. Call the issuer if they're late.


Use the handy Wallet Watcher. Write down the phone number and name of issuer for each card in your wallet. Put it in a safe, separate place to speed up the process if your cards are lost or stolen.


Check the Numbers. Keep your receipts. Make sure the amount of your purchase is right and deduct that amount from your checkbook so no checks bounce.


Sign Your Card as soon as you receive it. Read the security precautions that come with your new debit card and follow them!


Protect Your Card from damage such as excessive heat or magnetic objects which could deactivate it.


Play It Close. Memorize your Personal Identification Number (PIN). Don't write it down -- especially not on the card -- don't give it out, and don't carry it in your wallet.


Know the Limits. Many issuers limit daily purchases and withdrawals. That's good security but could leave you short if you're away and exceed that limit.

Are You Riding the Debit Card Wave?
Wallet Watcher Tips
Wallet Watcher
Why People Use Debit Cards
Call for Action