Vascular Plants of Henry W. Coe State Park
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Beech Family

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Quercus agrifolia. {++} COAST LIVE OAK. CALIFORNIA LIVE OAK. ENCINA. Tree. Bl Mar-Apr. Common on slopes and in canyons through the western side of the park, fairly common at higher elevations and moister places of the eastern half.

Quercus berberidifolia {+} (=Quercus dumosa). SCRUB OAK. Small tree or shrub. Bl Apr-early Jun. Fairly common on dry often shady slopes. Pine Ridge (Flat Frog Tr, Forest Tr), Blue Ridge, Divide Ridge, Rock House Ridge, Little Long Cyn, Water Gulch, E Fk Coyote Ck, Kelly Cabin Cyn, Willow Ridge (S of Eagle Pines), Bear Mtn, ridge bordering W side of Upper San Antonio Valley, N of Live Oak Spr (ca ½ mi E of Coit Lake), Mississippi Ck, Mississippi Ridge, Red Ck, extreme N boundary (of park & Orestimba Wilderness), Hartman Ck, on side gulch off of Canada de la Dormida near Vasquez Rd.

Quercus chrysolepis. {++} CANYON LIVE OAK. MAUL OAK. GOLDCUP OAK. Tree. Bl Apr-May. Fairly common in canyons and on moist slopes, in far western portion of park. Big Cyn, Soda Springs Cyn (Mile Tr), Coyote Ck, Pine Ridge (Ponderosa Tr, Live Oak Tr, Corral Tr), Little Fk Coyote Ck, Middle Fk Coyote Ck (Upper Camp, Skeels' Meadow, Poverty Flat), Grizzly Ck in Thomas Addition.

Quercus douglasii. {++} BLUE OAK. Tree. Deciduous. Bl Apr & probably longer. Fairly common in western  third, common to abundant in eastern and central areas. Overall, it is probably the most abundant tree at Coe.

Quercus durata. {++} LEATHER OAK. Shrub. Serpentine areas of Redfern Addition.

Quercus kelloggii. {++} CALIFORNIA BLACK OAK. Tree. Deciduous. Bl Mar-Apr. Fairly common on ridges and in canyons especially on W third of park. Coyote Ck cyn (Grapevine Spr), Soda Spr Cyn, Pine Ridge (Live Oak Tr, Forest Tr, Springs Tr, Manzanita Pt group camp #9, Cougar Tr), Little Fk Coyote Ck, Middle Ridge, Middle Fk Coyote Ck, Blue Ridge (Jackass Tr), Bollinger Ridge, Divide Ridge, Mahoney Ridge (China Hole Tr), Kelly Cabin Cyn, Willow Ridge (Willow Ridge Tr, ca 1 mi NW of Coit Lake, slope W of Fish & Game Pond), Pacheco Ridge, N Fk Pacheco Ck (slopes SE of Walsh Cabin), Center Flats and ridge S & SE, south end of Hunting Hollow.

Quercus lobata. {++} VALLEY OAK. CALIFORNIA WHITE OAK. ROBLE. Tree. Deciduous. Bl Mar-Apr. Fairly common in western third of park, generally uncommon elsewhere. Coyote Ck cyn (tr to Grapevine Spr, Coyote Ck gate), Pine Ridge (Live Oak Tr, rd to Manzanita Pt, Springs Tr), Middle Fk Coyote Ck (incl portions on the Thomas Addition), Blue Ridge, Rock House Cyn, Grizzly Ck, E Fk Coyote Ck, Little Long Cyn, Mahoney Ridge (Lost Spring Tr), Kelly Cabin Cyn, Willow Ridge, side cyn of Red Ck, S Fk Orestimba Ck (N of Rooster Comb, S of confluence with Red Ck), Kaiser-Aetna Rd, N Fk Pacheco Ck (within 1 mi of park boundary), Dowdy Ranch area, along Gilroy Hot Springs Road, Rock Springs Peak, Grizzly Gulch ca, 3/4 mile downstream from Tule Pond, Hunting Hollow.

Quercus X morehus. {+} ORACLE OAK. Tree. Believed to be a hybrid between Quercus kelloggii and Quercus wislizenii. Uncommon, known from Bear Mtn, Mississippi Lake, Caviata Spring, Pacheco Ridge area.

Quercus wislizenii. {++} INTERIOR LIVE OAK. SIERRA LIVE OAK. Tree. Bl "Mar-May". Fairly common on slopes and ridges; absent from westernmost area. Blue Ridge near Mt Sizer, Grizzly Ck, Bear Mtn, NW of Bear Mtn Pk, Pacheco Ridge, Mississippi Ck, Mississippi Ridge (Board Spr), Red Ck, Mt Stakes Tr, Robinson Ck, Grass Pk, Rooster Comb, S Fk Orestimba Ck at NE base of Robinson Mtn, Hartman Ck, N Fk Pacheco Ck N of Dowdy Ranch.

Henry W. Coe State Park, California
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