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Angers, P., M.R. Morales, and J.E. Simon. 1996. Basil seed oils. p. 598-601. In: J. Janick (ed.), Progress in new crops. ASHS Press, Arlington, VA.

Basil Seed Oils*

Paul Angers, Mario R. Morales, and James E. Simon

  4. Table 1
  5. Table 2

The genus Ocimum (Lamiaceae), which includes sweet basil, offers a wide diversity among its more than 50 species (Bailey 1924; Darrah 1980), particularly regarding plant growth, morphology, physical appearance and essential oil content and composition (Morales et al. 1993; Simon et al. 1984). Seed oil composition constitutes another characteristic which contributes to the rich diversity of the Ocimum genus.

Previous studies on basil seed oils include the drying properties of O. basilicum (Earle et al. 1960), O. kilimandscharicum (Barker et al. 1950; Henry and Grindley 1944), and O. sanctum (Nadkarni and Patwardhan 1952); the isolation of the compounds in seed oil that might be responsible for medicinal properties (Metha and Metha 1943); and the suitability of O. basilicum seed oil for cosmetic uses (Domokos and Perédi 1993). In this paper, we analyzed the chemical composition and characterized the physical properties of the fixed oil from seeds of four Ocimum species: O. basilicum, O. canum, O. gratissimum, and O. sanctum.


Mature dry seeds of seven basil chemotypes: citral, linalool, methyl chavicol, and methyl cinnamate (O. basilicum); camphor (O. canum); eugenol (O. sanctum); and geraniol (O. gratissimum ), from our breeding program at Purdue University, were washed and finely ground in a mortar. Classification of O. canum should be considered temporary due to possible interspecific hybridization. The oil from the flour was extracted in a Butt-type apparatus following A.O.C.S. recommendations (Link, 1973). The extract was concentrated under a stream of dry nitrogen or argon for quantitative determination of the oil content. Transesterification of acylated fatty acids was carried out with 2.0 N sodium hydroxide in dry methanol (Pelick and Mahadvan 1975). Iodine values (Hanus method) and saponification values were both measured according to AOAC (Cunniff 1995). Refractive indices were measured at 20deg.C with a refractometer (Bausch and Lomb, Rochester, NY), coupled with a controlled temperature bath and circulator (Forma Scientific model 2067, Marietta, Ohio). Methyl esters and glycerides were analyzed by gas chromatography, as described in Angers et al. (1996).


Oil content and characteristics of basil seeds evaluated in this study compared to linseed are shown in Table 1 and values reported in the literature are presented in Table 2. Oil content in the seeds averaged 22%, with a minimum of 18% in the camphor chemotype (O. canum) and a maximum of 26% in the linalool chemotype (O. basilicum). While the oil content of these basils is lower than that found in many commercial oil plants such as rape (Brassica napus L., 38%-44%) and linseed (flax, Linum usitatissimum L., 32%-43%), the actual physico-chemical and fatty acid profiles approached that of linseed oil. The refractive indices (1.460-1.481), saponification (191-200) and iodine values (172-200, Hanus) were all characteristic of highly unsaturated oils. The oils were very high (96% among all basils) in triacylglycerols (TAG), while the total for both mono- and diacylglycerols reached only 2% each. TAGs with carbon number (CN) 54 constituted 70%-84% of the total TAGs; with CN 52, 15%-27%; and with CN 50, 1%-3%. TAGs with CN 48 and 56 constituted less than 1% each.

Unsaturated fatty acids averaged 89%, including [[alpha]]-linolenic (43.8% to 64.8%), linoleic (17.8% to 31.3%), and oleic (8.5% to 13.3%). The most abundant saturated fatty acids were palmitic (6.1% to 11.0%) and stearic (2.0% to 4.0%). Values from the literature (Table 2) range from 5.3% to 15.4% for oleic acid, 14.0% to 66.1% for linoleic acid, and 15.7% to 65.0% for linolenic acid (Patwardhan 1930; Henry and Grindley 1944; Barker et al. 1950; Nadkarni and Patwardhan 1952; Earle et al. 1960; Khan et al. 1961). The total of linoleic and linolenic acids appears to be fairly constant for all species, ranging from 78% to 82%, except in O. sanctum where it reached only 71%.

The composition of basil seed oil suggests that the oil would be suitable for industrial purposes, much in the same way as linseed oil is used. An estimated basil seed yield in Indiana of 1400 kg/ha at 22% seed oil, would yield 300 kg/ha of oil, or 180 kg/ha of linolenic acid. In contrast, seed yields of flax averaged 765 kg/ha (FAO 1995) and at a 40% oil content, the estimated yield of linolenic acid from flax (linseed) is 150 kg/ha.

Techniques and conditions for basil cultivation are well known, as the plant has been grown as a culinary herb and source of essential oil for many years. Seed and oil content yields could be increased by plant selection. Seeds of basil do not readily dehisce and can be harvested using a combine. A high linolenic acid oil, such as that found in Ocimum basilicum and O. canum, could be used in the paint, varnish and ink industries, and as a source of linolenic acid, while oils with lower linolenic acid content, such as those of O. gratissimum and O. sanctum, might be used by the food industry.


*Journal Paper No. 14,984, Purdue University Agricultural Research Program, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN. This work was supported in part by the Center for New Crops and Plant Products and a postdoctoral fellowship (NSERC of Canada) to the senior author, which we gratefully acknowledge. Thanks are due to E. Tousignant (Food Science Department, Laval University, Canada) for help in glyceride analysis.
Table 1. Analytical values, glyceride content and fatty acid composition of oil from seeds of different Ocimum chemotypes compared to linseedz.

Species and chemotype
O. basilicum O. canum O. gratissimum O. sanctum Linum
Variable Citral Linalool Methyl chavicol Methyl cinnamate Camphor Geraniol Eugenol Linseedw
Oil content (% w/w)y 20 26 21 24 18 20 22 32-43
Refractive index (nD20) 1.481 1.480 1.479 1.479 1.472 1.460 1.477 1.477-1.482
Saponification value 199 200 200 200 -- 194 191 192
Iodine value 198 198 184 190 200 178 172 180
Class (%)
Monoacyglycerols 2 1 1 3 1 1 3
Diacylglycerols 2 1 1 2 2 1 3
Triacylglycerols 96 98 98 95 97 98 94
Carbon number (%)x
50 2 1 1 1 1 3 3
52 16 18 20 20 15 23 27
54 82 81 78 78 84 74 70
Composition (mol%)
Palmitic (16:0) 6.8 7.4 8.8 7.8 6.1 10.0 11.0 6
Stearic (18:0) 2.2 2.0 2.8 2.4 2.3 2.1 4.0 4
Palmitoletic (16:1) 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 --
Oleic (18:1) 9.7 8.7 9.5 11.6 8.5 8.6 13.3 22
Linoleic (18:2) 18.3 21.7 21.3 20.6 17.8 31.3 26.8 16
alpha-Linolenic (alpha-18:3) 62.5 60.0 57.4 57.4 64.8 47.4 43.8 52
gamma-Linolenic (gamma-18:3) 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 trace --
Arachidic (20:0) 0.2 trace trace trace 0.2 0.2 0.2 --
Eicosenoic (20:1) tracev trace trace trace trace trace trace --
zModified from Angers et al. 1996. Data based on four replications.
yBased on seed dry weight.
xCarbon number is relative to triacylglycerols.
wAnalytical and glyceride value from Bernardini (1985); fatty acid composition from Patterson (1989).
vTrace values are lower than 0.1%.

Table 2. Analytical values and fatty acid composition of basil seed oil reported in the literature.

Variable O. basilicum O. canum O. kilimand-
O. kilimand-
O. pilosum O. sanctum O. viride
Oil content (% w/w)z 24 10 13 16 17 18 10
Refractive index (nD) 1.47440 1.47140 1.48525 1.47740 1.47532 1.47930 1.48120
Saponification value 188 195 -- 193 187 182 --
Iodine value 191 180 193 196 173 173 169
Composition (mol%)
Palmitic (16:0) }8y 7.0 8.2 }8y 3.3 6.9 8.7
Stearic (18:0) 0.2 -- 6.4 2.1 2.7
Oleic (18:1) 15 11.1 5.3 17 15.4 9.0 14.3
Linoleic (18:2) 22 60.4 16.2 14 56.3 66.1 32.5
alpha-Linolenic (alpha-18:3) 50 21.3 65.0 61 18.5 15.7 39.2
gamma-Linolenic (gamma-18:3) -- -- -- -- -- --
Arachidic (20:0) -- -- 5.3 -- -- -- 2.6
Eicosenoic (20:1) -- -- -- -- -- -- --
References Earle et al. 1960 Patwardan 1930 Barker et al. 1950 Henry and Grindley 1944 Khan et al. 1961 Nadkarni and Patwardhan 1952 Barker et al. 1950
zBased on seed dry weight.
yValues for saturated fatty acids.

Last update July 1, 1997 aw