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Our Site Map
This is a list of available data and how the information is organized.

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Current Weather Hazards
Current Weather Conditions
Radar Imagery

River and Hydrologic Information

  • River Flood Products & Information
    • River Flood Warnings Statements & Outlooks
    • Daily River Summary and Stage Forecast
    • River Stages and Hydrographs
      • Etowah and Oostanaula Basin
      • Chattahoochee Basin
      • Atlanta Area Creeks
      • Upper Flint Basin
      • Ocmulgee Basin
      • Oconee Basin
    • Rainfall
      • 24 Hour station totals
      • 24 hour radar estimates
      • Amounts recorded over the past 7 days
  • Georgia Lake Levels
  • Rainfall resources
    • recent rainfall totals (observed and radar-estimated)
    • rainfall forecasts
    • normals & historical records
    • current drought or rainfall anomaly info

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June 5, 2008
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