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Investigation Begins in Plane Crash


January 16, 2009
A team of 20 National Transportation Safety Board investigators has begun looking into how Thursday's near-disaster happened. A US Airways pilot ditched his disabled jetliner into the frigid Hudson River after what appeared to be a collision with a flock of birds knocked out both engines. Rescuers pulled all 155 people on board into boats.
Slideshow ..

Hazel Scott as Herself

The Fishko Files

January 15, 2009
Performer Hazel Scott is perhaps remembered for her glamour. But as WNYC's Sara Fishko tells us, a new book and an old CD can help us appreciate the details of her life and work. Here is the next 'Fishko Files'...

The Obamas in 1996

The Takeaway

January 16, 2009
In 1996, Barack and Michelle Obama were photographed for a book on couples in America. The Obamas were young professionals surprisingly open about their relationship and future plans. A political career? "It's unclear." Writer-photographer Mariana Cook talks about the interview and her photos.

Service Monday

The Brian Lehrer Show

MLK Day is Monday, and since 1994 it has existed as a national day of service. This year the Obama administration is encouraging a renewed spirit of service.

We want you to help other Brian Lehrer Show listeners find opportunities for service. Are you planning on participating on Monday? Where? Provide the details below!

Food on the Table

The Leonard Lopate Show

January 16, 2009
Currently around 35 million Americans don’t have enough to eat. Find out why there is a problem of hunger in our land of plenty. Also, a look at the new hit play "Becky Shaw."

The British Invasion, Examined


January 16, 2009
Find out how today’s headlines parallel the conditions that helped create British pop music in the 1950s and ‘60s. Also, Violinist Elizabeth Pitcairn performs live on her famous Red Violin.

The Transition

WNYC Special Coverage

President-elect Barack Obama will be sworn in as the 44th president on Jan. 20. WNYC is following all news and developments during the nation's transition of power.

A Journey of Hope: From Protest to Presidency

Martin Luther King Day Event

An afternoon of discussion, music, poetry and celebration exploring the dreams of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and what the election of Barack Obama means for the future of the civil rights movement. Moderators are WNYC's Brian Lehrer and The Takeaway's Adaora Udoji.
MLK Slideshow >>

Uncommon Sense

Economy in Flux

The nation's economic crisis has deepened as stock prices have plummeted, credit has frozen, and automakers and banks teeter on the brink of bankruptcy. WNYC takes a closer look at the ongoing issues in the financial sector and how they affect New Yorkers.

Get our daily update "Financial 411"!

WNYC Streaming on iPhone

Available in the Public Radio Tuner, Nullriver Tuner

Introducing the Public Radio Tuner. iPhone users can now listen to WNYC for free via streaming audio on their iPhones.

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The Obama Inauguration On January 20, a historic inauguration will take place in the midst of one of the worst economic downturns in this nation’s history. In this time of transition, can our hopes outweigh our fears?

Share your thoughts by joining our Public Insight Network. »
globalFEST 2009 Listen On-Demand This year's globalFEST featured 12 international musical artists on the verge of fame. If you missed the show, you can listen to the music and see pictures right
Noteworthy New York Soundcheck invited musicians and artists to help us select their favorite cultural destinations in the neighborhoods where they live. »


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