Welcome to Northeast SARE

The Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program is a USDA competitive grants program supporting agriculture that is profitable, environmentally sound, and good for communities.

There are four SARE regions--Northeast, North Central, South, and West--and a national SARE office in Washington, D.C. The Northeast SARE region is made up of Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia, and Washington, D.C.

The grants programs

Northeast SARE grants are offered to eligible farmers, researchers, educators and others in the agricultural community who are working on innovative and interesting approaches to sustainable agriculture.

Grants are offered on two different tiers--large, multiyear projects with budgets in excess of $25,000, and smaller, shorter-term projects with budgets of $25,000 or less. The two funding tiers have different application requirements and, in some cases, different eligibility requirements. If you need help deciding which grant is best for you, contact us.

How to manage your grant

If you have been awarded a Northeast SARE grant, you can use this site to learn about reporting, reimbursements, and other aspects of project management. You can also download documents and instructions.


Bulletins, newsletters, books, a project database, and other useful references are available from both the regional and the national SARE offices. We also maintain a list of other sustainable agriculture web sites.

Upcoming Events

  • January 17, 2009
    Farmer Grant workshop at the Vermont Grazing Conference, Randolph Center, VT.
  • January 26, 2009
    Farmer Grant workshop at the University of CT, Connecticut Grown Workshop Series, Meridien, CT. FMI: Email Norman Bender
  • February 14, 2009
    "All About Northeast SARE Farmer Grants" at the NOFA-VT Winter Conference, Randolph Center, VT
  • March 4 to 6, 2009
    2009 Grant awards chosen.

Program Highlights

Speakers Fund

  • The Speakers Fund offers support for conference and workshop presenters who have expertise in sustainable agriculture.
Site Content © 2008 Northeast SARE unless otherwise noted.
Site Design © Vermont Technology Partners, Inc.