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Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER)

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Product Sample

ASTER Sample Image of Oahu, Hawaii

ASTER sample image
(Oahu, Hawaii)

Product Description

The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) is one of a number of instruments on board the Terra platform, which was launched in December 1999. ASTER provides fourteen spectral bands with 15- to 90-meter resolutions depending on the band(s). ASTER does not acquire data continuously; its sensors are activated only to collect specific scenes upon request.

The instrument consists of three separate telescopes; each provides a different spectral range and resolution. The VNIR (visible and near-infrared) sensor provides 4 bands at 15-meter resolution. The SWIR (short-wave infrared) sensor provides 6 bands at 30-meter resolution. The TIR (thermal infrared) sensor provides 5 bands at 90-meter resolution. The swath width for all sensors is 60 kilometers.

ASTER data distributed from the Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center is available in the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection, with a resampling method of cubic convolution for daytime scenes and nearest neighbor for nighttime scenes. Files are in the HDF-EOS or GeoTIFF format with the exception of ASTER Level-3 products, which are available in GeoTIFF only.

Additional Information:

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ASTER Product Price (FTP) Handling Fee
ASTER Level 1A $80 $5
ASTER Level 1B $80 $5
AST_04 $80 $5
AST_05 $80 $5
AST_06VD $80 $5
AST_06SD $80 $5
AST_06TD $80 $5
AST_07 $80 $5
AST_07XT $80 $5
AST_08 $80 $5
AST_09 $80 $5
AST_09XT $80 $5
AST_09T $80 $5
AST13POL $80 $5
AST14DEM $80 $5
AST14OTH $80 $5
AST14DMO $160 $5

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Search & Order

ASTER does not acquire data continuously; its sensors are activated to collect specific scenes upon request. Since data collection is scheduled from scene requests, some locations may not be available. Users will need to run a search to determine if a particular location has been acquired.

Standard Products, On-Demand Products WIST, GloVis
Standard Products (Level 1B only) Data Pool

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