Staying in Touch

Due to strict security procedures on Capitol Hill, mail delivery to the US Congress -- including our DC office -- is seriously delayed.  If it's timely, please use email or fax -- or just give a call.

If you have a question, problem, comment or complaint -- or just want to say hello -- there's no need to make a long-distance call to Washington.

We have two professionally- staffed offices in Hyannis and Quincy to serve you.  These are your offices.  If we can offer any assistance at all, I hope you will let us know.

When sending comments by e-mail,(, please include your name and address.  While we might not always be able to respond electronically, we would be pleased to get back to you the old-fashioned way. If you'd like to stay in touch more personally, by telephone or by mail.


Office Locations

Washington, DC Office
Congressman Bill DelahuntCongressman Bill Delahunt
2454 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
(202) 225-3111
Fax: (202) 225-5658

Cape and Islands Office
Congressman Bill Delahunt
146 Main Street
Hyannis, MA 02601
(508) 771-0666
Toll-Free: (800) 870-2626
Fax: (508) 790-1959

South Shore Office
Congressman Bill Delahunt
1250 Hancock Street, Suite 802-N
Quincy, MA 02169
Toll-Free: (800) 794-9911
Fax: (617) 770-2984

Subcommittee on International Organizations, Human Rights, and Oversight
256 Ford House Office Building
Washington DC 20515
Phone: (202) 226-6434
Fax: (202) 226-4948
Committee Website

For Directions to all of my offices, please click here.