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Energy and Resources


Energy and Resources


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Electricity: Access to electricity, percent
Electricity: Electricity consumption per capita
Electricity: Total electricity production
Energy Consumption by Source: Biogas and liquid biomass
Energy Consumption by Source: Coal and coal products
Energy Consumption by Source: Hydroelectric
Energy Consumption by Source: Natural gas
Energy Consumption by Source: Nuclear
Energy Consumption by Source: Oil and petroleum products
Energy Consumption by Source: Solar, wind, and wave
Energy Consumption by Source: Solid biomass (includes fuelwood)
Energy Consumption: Residential energy consumption per capita
Energy Consumption: Total energy consumption
Energy Consumption: Total energy consumption per capita
Energy Production: Total energy production
Fossil Fuels: Coal production
Fossil Fuels: Natural gas production
Fossil Fuels: Oil production
Fossil Fuels: Proved coal reserves
Fossil Fuels: Proved natural gas reserves
Fossil Fuels: Proved oil reserves
Public Health: Solid fuel use
Resource Consumption: Coffee consumption
Resource Consumption: Coffee consumption per capita
Resource Consumption: Paper and paperboard consumption
Resource Consumption: Paper and paperboard consumption per capita
Trade in Energy/Fossil Fuels: Coal and coal products exports
Trade in Energy/Fossil Fuels: Coal and coal products imports
Trade in Energy/Fossil Fuels: Natural gas exports
Trade in Energy/Fossil Fuels: Natural gas imports
Trade in Energy/Fossil Fuels: Oil and petroleum products exports
Trade in Energy/Fossil Fuels: Oil and petroleum products imports
Trade in Energy/Fossil Fuels: Total fossil fuel exports
Trade in Energy/Fossil Fuels: Total fossil fuel imports
Trade in Goods: Fuel exports as a percent of merchandise exports
Trade in Goods: Fuel imports as a percent of merchandise imports
Transportation: Diesel oil consumption
Transportation: Diesel oil consumption per capita
Transportation: Motor gasoline consumption
Transportation: Motor gasoline consumption per capita
Transportation: Passenger cars per 1000 people
Transportation: Pump prices for diesel fuel
Transportation: Pump prices for super gasoline
Transportation: Road sector energy consumption
Transportation: Road sector energy consumption per distance traveled
Transportation: Road traffic, million vehicle-kilometers
Transportation: Total road network
Transportation: Total vehicles per 1000 people
Transportation: Total vehicles per km road
Transportation: Volume of private road transport
Transportation: Volume of public road transport
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