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Costal and Marine Ecosystems Water Resources and Freshwater Ecosystems Climate and Atmosphere Population, Health and Human Well-being Economics, Business and the Environment Energy and Resources Biodiversity and Protected Areas Agriculture and Food Forests, Grasslands and Drylands Environmental Governance and Institutions
Searchable Database Maps Country Profiles Features Data Tables
EarthTrends Site Map
EarthTrends information is organized into 10 topic areas. Each topic area presents information in five formats:
  • Searchable Database offers time series data from internationally recognized sources for over 600 variables.
  • Data Tables give global snapshots of each topic area by synthesizing country and region-level information.
  • Country Profiles collect charts, graphs, and vital statistics from each topic area for more than 220 countries.
  • Maps provide a visual representation of global, regional, and country-level environmental information.
  • Feature Stories are articles investigating important conditions and trends in environmental and sustainable development.

Refer to the site map below for direct links to these topic areas and information tools.


Marine Ecosystems
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Water Resources
& Freshwater Ecosystems
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Health, & Human Well-being
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Business, & the Environment
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click here click here click here click here click here
Protected Areas
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Grasslands, & Drylands
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Environmental Governance & Institutions click here click here click here click here click here
      Watersheds of the World  

Coastal and Marine Ecosystems
Water Resources and Freshwater Ecosystems
Climate and Atmosphere
Population, Health and Human Well-being
Economics, Business, and the Environment
Energy and Resources
Biodiversity and Protected Areas
Agriculture and Food
Forests, Grasslands and Drylands
Environmental Governance and Institutions
Implementing the "Access Principles": Measuring Nine Countries' Progress in Strengthening Environmental Governance
More Democracy, Better Environment?
Understanding the Scope of Resource Tenure
Globalization, Governance, and Poverty
Empowering Communities Through Free, Prior, and Informed Consent
Alien Flotillas: The Expansion of Invasive Species Through Ship Ballast Water
The World Summit on Sustainable Development: A Story of Many Summits
Armed Conflict, Refugees, and the Environment
Multi-Stakeholder Processes: The Legacy of the World Commission on Dams
Democratic Decentralization of Natural Resources Management
Sustainable Cities, Sustainable Transportation
Poverty and Governance in a Global Frame
The Power of Choice: Governance and Outcomes in Electricity Sector Reforms
Undue Influence: Corruption and Natural Resources
Toxic Trade: The Real Cost of Electronics Waste Exports from the United States
How Community-Based Resource Management Can Benefit the Poor
Transboundary Environmental Governance: The Ebb and Flow of River Basin Organizations