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U.S. Exporter Assistance
Market Research
Successful exporting requires careful planning and preparation. Whether new to exporting or a seasoned exporter, current information on foreign market conditions are needed to prepare export marketing plans or make key product decisions. FAS provides U.S. exporters with a number of resources and tools to obtain up-to-date market information.
Market Research Basics
Market Research Basics covers the steps of market research needed to determine potential.
FAS and USDA Market Research Resources
FAS Market Research Resources include data, export guides, regulations, industry specific reports and more!
Other Government Resources
Data and Reports includes links to information outside of USDA-FAS. Other branches of the U.S. government provide information on overall trends that could influence demand in target market countries such as economic conditions and demographics.
Comments? Questions?
Contact the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service | Phone: (202) 690-3576 |