olivier Thereaux @

W3C Open Source Software and Services

My current W3C role is the coordination of development, maintenance and community activities around the W3C Open Source Software and free services, in particular the Web Quality tools, checkers and validators.

Areas of interest beyond the open source development are the spreading of information and knowledge about Web Standards, as well as conversations between W3C and the Web communities, notably through the W3C Questions & Answers blog.

I also oversee and participate to a number of internal W3C IT projects.

Past Roles

How to contact me?

After 7 years based at the Japanese Host of W3C, I am now based in Montréal, Canada; I regularly spend time at the main W3C Hosts, in Japan (Keio University, Kanagawa), USA (MIT, Cambridge, MA) and France (ERCIM, Sophia-Antipolis).

e-Mail and Mailing-lists

Most of my work is done in public, and on public mailing-lists. If you would like to contact me about one of the W3C projects I am involved in, it is much preferred that you send mail to the relevant mailing-list.

  1. It likely that your question or suggestion will have already been raised before
  2. Your question or suggestion will be much more useful to more people if it is archived publicly
  3. By contacting a mailing-list rather than me directly, you make me less likely to be the single point of failure or bottleneck in your communications with W3C and its communities.

In particular:

Also on the Web...

W3C team members can check my Team page.
Others can find misc stuff on my Home Page, including photos and Writings / Journal (in french).
On my free time, I am also an administrator of Art Beat, a network of Web Sites bringing information and commentary about the Art and Design scenes in e.g. Tokyo and New York.