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Zoo, Circus and Marine Animals

Frequently Asked Questions about Animal Importation
CDC. National Center for Infectious Diseases. Division of Global Migration and Quarantine.
Provides a list of the most frequently asked questions about importation of animals. It provides answers and links to pertinent regulations and documents governing such importation.
Cinnamon CatPets and Wildlife-Licensing and Health Requirements
DHS. U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
An overview of all United States laws and regulations governing the importation of pets, wild animals, and animal products.
Customs dogEntering the United States-Prohibited and Restricted Items
DHS. U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
A listing of items prohibited or restricted from entering the United States. The site provides information on biological specimens, pets, dog and cat fur, fish and wildlife, wildlife products, game and hunting trophies, and other items.
Importation of Pets and Other Animal & Animal Products into the United States
CDC. Division of Global Migration & Quarantine.
Information on the importation of dogs, cats, turtles, monkeys and other animals and animal products capable of causing human disease.
Quarantine User Fees
Animal Plant Health Inspection Service.
Explains the costs for using APHIS facilities and services during the importation of birds, zoo animals, which includes fees for quarantine and veterinary diagnostic testing.
State Import Regulations and Requirements
The list below contains links directly to the state animal import requirements. If the state is not listed, please go to the Animal Law Center to search for animal import regulations and requirements from other states.
List of State Veterinarians
APHIS. Veterinary Services.
Provided is a nation listing of state veterinarians and their contact information.
Marine Mammal Permits and Authorizations
NOAA Fisheries. Office of Protected Resources.
The Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA)generally prohibits removal or “take” of marine mammals in U.S. waters by any person and by U.S. citizens in international waters. NOAA Fisheries can authorize “take” for scientific research, enhancing the survival or recovery of a marine mammal species or stock, commercial or educational photography, first-time import for public display, capture of wild marine mammals for public display, incidental take during commercial fishing, and incidental take during non-fishery commercial activities. The site provides links to all the permits required for marine mammals.
Fact About Federal Wildlife Laws  (PDF|324 KB)
DOI. Fish and Wildlife Service.
This booklet is a guide to Federal laws that apply to the importation, exportation, trade and sale of wildlife, including live and dead animals and animal parts and products.
Threatened and Endangered Species System (TESS)
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
A current report of all listed animals and plants listed as endangered or threatened. Other links are provided on the species information page along with common questions about endangered species.
Report of the Committee on Import-Export  (PDF|168 KB)
United States Animal Health Association.
This 2005 report from the import/export committee discusses animal import activities, and import of horses, cattle, and zoo species.
National Center for Import and Export (NCIE)
USDA. APHIS. Veterinary Services.
Provides information on bringing animals into or out of the United States.
International Animal Export Regulations
USDA. APHIS. Veterinary Services.
Regulations governing the export of animals to other countries.

Last Modified: Nov 12, 2008  
Zoo, Circus and Marine Animals
    Exhibit Animal Species
    Disaster Planning
    Environmental Enrichment
    Exotic Animals As Pets
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