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Semantic Web Interest Group

This is the homepage of W3C's Semantic Web Interest Group (SWIG), previously known as the RDF Interest Group. It provides a public forum to discuss the use and development of the Semantic Web. See the group's charter for details of its role and purpose.


The Semantic Web Interest Group is designed as a forum to support developers and users of Semantic Web technologies (RDF, OWL, SPARQL, etc). The group in particular serves to help developers create vocabularies and applications to support a Web data marketplace combining harvesting, syndication, metadata and Web Service techniques.

Membership of the group is open to all interested parties who accept the group's charter; W3C Membership is not a prerequisite. To join the group, simply join our discussions; there is no formal list of members.

The Interest Group functions primarily through public email lists hosted by W3C. The main list is <> (see archives). Other lists sponsored by the Interest Group include www-rdf-logic, www-rdf-calendar, sparql-dev, and www-annotation. The www-rdf-interest (1999-2005) was previously the main list for the IG.) The Mailing List Administrivia page explains how to join these or other W3C discussion lists.

24x7 chat: #swig IRC channel

Many in the RDF/SW community make use of Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channels for collaboration, in particular via the FreeNode network (channel #swig for general SWIG discussion). Chris Schmidt's Lorebot provides an RDF-based list of people currently online in #swig. The #swig scratchpad, a link annotation system, is provided by Edd Dumbill. It selectively logs comments made in IRC, via an IRC bot 'dc_swig' (see chump site for details). Complete public logs of the discussions on the #swig channel are also available (in text, html and rdf flavours), thanks to Dave Beckett of ILRT.

Note: IRC discussion should be considered public (insecure, loggable etc). IRC chats are not a formal mechanism for W3C Interest Group communications and discussion; it may be useful to circulate summaries of IRC discussion to the archived RDF IG mailing lists.

IRC Resources: IRC Help,, OpenProjects IRC (please read about freenode: using the network).

Common shallow ontologies and other topical discussions

The SWIG has looked at various subject areas where "a little semantics goes a long way". Some simple shallow ontologies for concepts shared by many applications can play a very strong role in linking together many applications.


This topic has been on the subject list of the Interest Group, but has now moved into a separate W3C Incubator Group. The the GEO XG’s home page for further details.


Time is the next dimension to consider as property which unites many data systems. See the informal

Relational Databases and RDF

Personal Identity - FOAF

The Friend of a Friend (FOAF) system is one in which people can describe themselves in machine-processable form, including contact details and list of people thy know. Several million FOAF files link together across the web.

Many of these are discussed in a mixtire of email lists, IRC chat, and Wiki.

See also the Semantic Web Deployment which takes on specific efforts in this sort of area.

Dan Brickley (Semantic Web Interest Group chair) and Ivan Herman <>, (W3C) Semantic Web Activity Lead and Semantic Web Interest Group Staff Contact

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