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Date Speaker Affiliation Topic Contact (Division)
September 1, 2005        
September 8, 2005 Kaiwen Xia Brown U. Dynamic friction: Speeds and modes of frictional ruptures Sheng Luo (P)

September 15, 2005

Akira Iwamoto Tokai Research Establishment JAERI A New Strategy of Antibiotic Resistance Originating in Vancomycin-Intermediate Staphylococcus Aureus Peter Moller (T)
September 22, 2005 Robert P. Powers National Park Service The Peopling of Bandelier Bill Murray (P)
September 29, 2005 Toni Taylor MST-CINT Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (T)
October 6, 2005 Felicia Taw Postdoc Pub Prize Novel Generation of Teflon® Under Ambient Conditions MaryAnn With (P)
October 13, 2005 Richard Schaller Postdoc Pub Prize Ultra-Efficient Carrier Multiplication in Semiconductor Nanocrystals MaryAnn With (P)
October 20, 2005 John Sarrao MST-10 Materials Science Issues for National Security Andrea Palounek (P)
October 27, 2005 Peter J. Mohr National Institute of Standards and Technology Redefinition of the Kilogram: A Decision Whose Time Has Come Jim Friar (T)
November 3, 2005 Stuart Isacoff   The Science of Music (P)
November 10, 2005 Boris Shraiman
UCSB Physical Aspects of Growth Control in Development Misha Chertkov (T)
November 17, 2005 Jacob Dijkhuis U of Utrecht, Netherlands Trains of Ultrashort Acoustic Solitons in Sapphire David Funk (T)
November 24, 2005 Thanksgiving Holiday
December 1, 2005 No Colloquium
December 8, 2005 Robert Ecke CNLS Director Exciting Frontiers in Fluid Turbulance (T)
December 15, 2005 Stuart Raby Ohio State U Puzzle of Charge and Mass Yuri Shirman (T)
December 22, 2005        
December 29, 2005 LANL closed      
January 5, 2006 Stefan Westerhoff Columbia U The Highest Energy Cosmic Rays Bill Louis (P)
January 12, 2006 Dick Malenfant N-DO Nuclear Thermal Propulsion- For Manned Missions to the Moon, Mars and Beyond Bob Scarlett (P)
January 19, 2006 Rajan Gupta T-8 Energy Security in the 21st Century: The Need for Bold Novel Thinking (T)
January 26, 2006 Shaul Mukamel UC Irvine Probing the Structure and Dynamics of Peptides by Multiple Laser Pulses:
Femtosecond Analogues of Multidimensional NMR
S. Tretiak (T)
February 2, 2006 Simon White The Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics The Millennium Simulation–A Universe in a Box Alexander Heger (T)
February 9, 2006 Krishna Rajagopal MIT The Condensed Matter Astrophysics of QCD Sanjay Reddy (T)
February 16, 2006 Joseph Katz Johns Hopkins University Measurements of Complex Oceanic Flows, from Turbulence in the Coastal Ocean to Interaction of Zooplankton with its Local Environment Robert Ecke (T)
February 23, 2006 Stuart Wolf Virginia Tech Spintronics - A Retrospective and Perspective Gennady Berman (T)
March 2, 2006 Robert Rosner Director, Argonne National Laboratory Breaking Waves on Stars and in the Lab Misha Chertkov (T)
March 9, 2006 Michael Brenner Harvard University On the Evolution of Voltage Gated Channels Matt Hastings (T)
March 16, 2006        
Friday, March 24, 2006 Prof. Barry L. Berman George Washington University Two-Body Photodisintegration of 3He, 4He, and 2He up to 1.5 GeV John Gustafson(P)
March 30, 2006 Roy Glauber Harvard University One Hundred Years of Light Quanta Gerd Kunde (P)
April 6, 2006 John Thomas Duke University Optically-Trapped Atomic Fermi Gases Malcolm Boshier (P)
April 13, 2006        
April 20, 2006 Chris Jarzynski T-13 Thermodynamics at the microscale M. Chertkov (T)
April 27, 2006 Joachim Frank Howard Hughes Medical Institute The Ribosome as a Molecular Machine, as Seen by Cryo-EM Kevin  Sanbonmatsu (T)
May 4, 2006 Harry Swinney UT Austin Spatial Patterns and Shock Waves in Granular Flows John Pearson (T)
May 11, 2006 Justin Wark Oxford University, UK Picosecond Diffraction from Shocked Crystals Tim Germann (X-7)
May 18, 2006 Jamie Cate UC Berkeley Structures of the Intact Bacterial Ribosome at Atomic Resolution Kevin Sanbonmatsu(T)
May 25, 2006 Sebastian Kuhn JLAB Structure of the Neutron Andi Klein (P)
June 1, 2006 Bernard D. Coleman Rutgers Applications of Theoretical Mechanics to the Topology of DNA Molecules and DNA-protein Interactions Hanna Makaruk (P)

Physics Division
Michelle Espy, P-Chair
Beatrice Romero, Support

Theoretical Division
Misha Chertkov, T-Chair
Dorothy Garcia, Support

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The P/T Colloquium is
typically held each
Thursday, 3:45–5:00 PM.
Refreshments are served
at 3:15 PM.


2002–2003 schedule
2003–2004 schedule
2004–2005 schedule
 Los Alamos National
Laboratory  Operated by the University of California for the National Nuclear Security Administration, of the US Department of Energy.    
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Last Modified: May 30, 2006