
The OSU Marine Mammal Institute is a multi-disciplinary facility, incorporating the work of academics from the realm of Engineering, Genetics, Agriculture, Aquatics, Ecology, Veterinary Medicine, Biology and Communications. As the only Institute of its kind, top researchers from around the globe will utilize their combined efforts to continue the legacy of discovery and preservation of critical habits of target species, and understanding how they interact with their environment and the human activities affecting them.
Whale Telemetry Group

Whale Telemetry Group (WTG)

Using satellite-monitored radio tags to determine the distribution and critical habitats of endangered whales.
Cetacean Conservation Genetics Lab

Cetacean Conservation Genetics Lab (CCGL)

Exploring the genome of whales and dolphins to understand the past, assess the present and conserve the future.
Pinniped Ecology Applied Research Lab

Pinniped Ecology Applied Research Lab (PEARL)

Ecology, behavioral physiology, and conservation biology of pinnipeds.
Oregon Marine Mammal Stranding Network

Oregon Marine Mammal Stranding Network (OMMSN)

Documenting occurrences and investigating the causes of marine mammal strandings in Oregon.

BBC Interviews Scott Baker about Humpback migration

Scott Baker was interviewed by the BBC regarding humpback whale migrations for their website "World on the Move".  For a link to the website and audio recording, please click on link to story.

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Whale Watch Training November 22-23, 2008 at HMSC

Internationally recognized whale expert Bruce Mate will lead off training for "Whale Watching Spoken Here" volunteers Nov. 22-23 at the Mark O. Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport.

Mate, the director of the Oregon State University Marine Mammal Institute, will introduce trainees to Pacific gray whale biology and natural history at the Nov. 22 (Saturday) session. He has helped lead the training since co-founding the whale watching program in the late 1970s. For more information and to sign up, read article below:

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Terri Irwin/MMI team up to study whales

Terri Irwin signs an agreement with the Marine Mammal Institute at Oregon State University to fund humpback whale research projects. Read more

See OSU News and Communication Media Release here

See Corvallis Gazette-Times article here