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How Clean Is Your Home?

You never know where germs might be hiding in your house. Even if you clean every day, you are probably missing something.

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Cold / Flu Blog with Kristina Duda, R.N.

Vicks VapoRub Not For Young Kids

Wednesday January 14, 2009

Over the past couple of years we have heard more and more reports about how cold and cough medications may be dangerous for young children. A study is out now that looks at the safety of Vicks VapoRub. This seemingly harmless rub can cause very serious reactions in children under two.

According to a study published in the journal Chest, placing the rub under the nose of children under two can increase swelling and mucous production in the nasal cavity, causing difficulty breathing. The results of the study were based on testing done on ferrets, which have similar nasal anatomy to children. It was prompted after researchers noticed an increase in the number of children coming to the ER with respiratory distress after having Vick's VapoRub placed under their noses.

The instructions on the medication do clearly state that the product should not be used in children under two and should not be placed under the nose at any age. This new study simply gives more evidence as to why we should follow these recommendations.

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More Salmonella in Peanut Butter

Sunday January 11, 2009

You may remember the salmonella outbreak involving Peter Pan peanut butter a couple of years ago. It appears it has happened again.

This outbreak does not involve Peter Pan or any other peanut butter that is available for purchase by the general public. Salmonella was found in an open jar of King Nut creamy peanut butter. King Nut Companies is a distributor of peanut butter to places such as schools and nursing homes. King Nut does not manufacture the peanut butter.

So far, a salmonella outbreak has sickened about 400 people in 42 states. It is not clear if the King Nut peanut butter is connected to any or all of the illnesses. King Nut has recalled all lots of the affected peanut butter and has cancelled all orders with the manufacturer.

Do You Trust the FDA and CDC?

Wednesday January 7, 2009

In the United States, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) are two very important government agencies responsible for different aspects of public health. They regulate vaccines, food, medications and a host of other things that impact the health of the American people.

However, there are a lot of people that feel these agencies are not necessarily operating in the best interest of all Americans. And trust in them seems to be waning. From concern about vaccine safety to the host of food and medication recalls we have seen in recent years, many people are left wondering if the FDA and CDC are really doing what they were created to do.

How do you feel? Do you trust the FDA and CDC? Or are you questioning their motives and efficacy? Sound off in this poll and share your thoughts on the Cold and Flu Forum.

Make Your New Year's Resolution Stick This Year

Tuesday December 30, 2008

It's that time of year again. Time to set some goals and resolve to do better this year. But most of us forget about those resolutions at some point during the year.

What if you made a new type of resolution this year? Instead of setting a resolution for the entire year, which is nearly impossible to keep, set a goal for the week. And then resolve to set a new one every week throughout the year.

If you plan to live a healthier life in 2009, the Healthy Monday campaign could help you stick to your goals this year. Bringing you tips for improving your healthy every Monday, this campaign changes your way of thinking about health goals. You get a fresh start every week!

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