United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Mid-Atlantic Soil Survey Region #14 Go to Accessibility Information
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How to Make a Soil Monolith

A piece of wood with a crevasse in its center and masking tap on each side of the crevasse.  Wood glue being placed in the crevasse.   Cheese cloth being placed on the wood glue.

Use masking tape, wood glue, cheese cloth, and some form of tray.

More glue being placed on the crevasse.   Soil being added on top of the glue.   Soil filled the crevasse.

Use the wood glue to firmly attach the cheesecloth to the soil and tray. Add the soil and "pick" it to
show the structure and color of the undisturbed soil.

Glue and water being mixed in a bowl.   The glue and water mixture is poured over the soil and wood.   The saturated wood tray is propped up to drain excess mixture.

Make a 50 percent mixture of                                                           After saturating the soil, 
white glue and water. Saturate                                                          prop the tray up and 
the soil with the mixture,                                                                  drain off the excess.   
either by                                                                                         Remove the tape from
spraying or pouring                                                                          the sides of the tray and let
the glue over the                                                                             the monolith dry. soil.                                                                                               
                                                                                                      when you are  finished.   
       Label the monolith                    A picture of the finished soil monolith.                                               





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