State Fire Training System Grants

(National Fire Academy Training Grants, CFDA #97.043 )


To provide financial assistance to State Fire Training Systems for the delivery of a variety of National Fire Academy (NFA) courses/programs.

Types of Assistance

Project Grants.

Uses and use Restrictions

Grant funds are to be used within each State to deliver NFA training courses/programs and for marketing, administrative costs and electronic feedback of student data. Each State shall spend at least $28,000 in costs relating directly to the delivery of course materials. Computer purchases are restricted.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicant Eligibility
Representatives from the 50 State Fire Training Systems.

Beneficiary Eligibility
All fire and emergency response personnel.

All beneficiaries will be required to submit a FEMA 75-5 Application Form for all 6-day and 10-day courses, and a FEMA 75-5A Application Form for all 2-day courses.

Application and Award Process

Application Procedure
Application packages will be sent to each of the 50 State Fire Training Systems.

Award Procedure
One grant will be issued to each of the 50 State Fire Training Systems after the program office approves each State's work plan.

Work plan submissions are determined each year by the project officer. Individual course and program application deadlines will vary within each State for eligible beneficiaries.

Financial Information

(Grants) FY 03 $1,400,000; FY 04 est $1,400,000; and FY 05 est not available.

Range and Average of Financial Assistance
$23,000 to $30,000 per State.

Information Contact

Diane Close, (301) 447-1376

Criteria for Selecting Proposals

The criteria for selecting proposals are based upon the extent that the work plan contains eligible categories of NFA courses and includes estimated numbers of students to be trained and proposed dates of training.