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Food Consumption

Food choices affect the diet quality of individuals and the types of crops that America's farmers grow. ERS monitors Americans' food choices through its long-standing per capita food supply data series, as well as numerous consumer surveys. ERS analyzes these choices to help policymakers understand how and why dietary patterns have changed over time and the implications of these trends.


Food Availability (Per Capita) Data System—ERS annually calculates the amounts of several hundred foods available for human consumption in the United States. The data system also tracks per capita servings (also known as per capita food intake data or loss-adjusted food supply data), and total nutrient availability (2004 data now available).

Where You Shop Matters: Store Formats Drive Variation in Retail Food Prices—Americans' food shopping habits are changing. Led by retail giants Wal-Mart, Costco, and Target, nontraditional food stores have managed to grab market share. What does the eroding role of the traditional grocery store mean for consumers and for retail food prices?

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