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FAS Administered Programs
Commercial Export Financing
Export Credit Guarantee Programs
The Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC), U.S. Department of Agriculture, administers export credit guarantee programs for commercial financing of U.S. agricultural exports. The programs encourage exports to buyers in countries where credit is necessary to maintain or increase U.S. sales, but where financing may not be available without CCC guarantees.

The Export Credit Guarantee Program (GSM-102) covers credit terms up to three years. GSM-102 underwrites credit extended by the private banking sector in the United States (or, less commonly, by the U.S. exporter) to approved foreign banks using dollar-denominated, irrevocable letters of credit to pay for food and agricultural products sold to foreign buyers. 

Facility Guarantee Program

The Commodity Credit Corporation's (CCC) Facility Guarantee Program (FGP) provides payment guarantees to facilitate the financing of manufactured goods and services exported from the United States to improve or establish agriculture-related facilities in emerging markets. By supporting such facilities, the FGP is designed to enhance sales of U.S. agricultural commodities and products to emerging markets where the demand for such commodities and products may be constricted due to inadequate storage, processing, or handling capabilities for such products.

USDA Announces New Online System For U.S. Exporters And Banks
The General Sales Manager Online System enables U.S exporters and U.S. banks to submit required documentation online, or electronically, for the GSM-102, Supplier Credit Guarantee and Facility Guarantee Programs. These programs facilitate commercial financing of U.S. agricultural exports. (08/25/05)
-- More About the GSM Online System

More Export Financing Information