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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, Wednesday, January 6, 2009
CONTACT: Brian Cook (202) 225-3202

AmeriCare, MediKids provide framework for universal coverage, meet Obama’s principles

WASHINGTON – House Ways and Means Health Subcommittee Chairman Pete Stark (D-CA) today reintroduced the AmeriCare Health Care Act and the MediKids Health Insurance Act. AmeriCare would provide affordable health care for all, while MediKids would ensure universal coverage of children. Both bills contain elements that fit into the principles for health care reform laid out by President-elect Obama.

“As Barack Obama takes office and sets the direction for reform efforts, Congress is poised to work with him to make comprehensive health reform a reality,” said Rep. Stark. “In that spirit, I am pleased to introduce AmeriCare and MediKids, both of which provide useful templates for achieving universal health coverage in America and are consistent with many of the principles outlined by the President-elect.”


The AmeriCare Health Care Act builds on what works in the current health care system to ensure comprehensive, affordable, and reliable health insurance for everyone. People would be covered under the new AmeriCare system, modeled on a revised Medicare program, or continue to obtain health coverage through their employers.

The AmeriCare Act includes several principles President-elect Obama outlined during his campaign. The bill includes a public plan option. It also maintains employer-sponsored coverage so people can keep that coverage if they like it.

The MediKids Health Insurance Act creates a universal health insurance program for children, based on Medicare with benefits revised to reflect the unique needs of children. Every child in America would be automatically enrolled in MediKids at birth and maintain that eligibility through age 23. Parents would retain the choice to enroll their children in private plans or in other government programs such as Medicaid or SCHIP. However, if a lapse in other insurance coverage occurs, MediKids would automatically fill in the gap until the child was enrolled in another plan.

“I agree with President-elect Obama that a mandate to cover all children is needed. I am proud to have worked closely with the American Academy of Pediatrics and other children’s advocates to develop MediKids. It sets up an efficient, workable way to guarantee health care for all children,” said Rep. Stark.

For more information on the AmeriCare Health Care Act and the MediKids Health Insurance Act, please visit
