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News and Notices

This page provides press information released by and about the Commission, and the federal register notices provide meeting information and a contact for further information.

Federal Register Notices


December 17, 2004

Chairman of U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy Commends President Bush On Initial Step Toward a National Ocean Policy

This press statement includes the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy’s preliminary assessment of the new U.S. Ocean Action Plan released by the President on December 17, 2004, in response to the Commission’s final report, “An Ocean Blueprint for the 21st Century”.

December 15, 2004

White House Expected to Respond To Ocean Commission Next Week; Commission Chairman says President Has Opportunity to Guide Ocean Management for the 21st Century

This is the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy press statement on the upcoming release of the President’s response to the Commission's final recommendations.

September 21, 2004

Testimony by Admiral James D. Watkins, U.S. Navy (Ret.), Chairman U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy, before the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation on September 21, 2004

Commission Chairman Admiral James D. Watkins, USN, (Ret.), testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation on September 21, 2004. His testimony addressed the major recommendations in the Commission’s Final Report. His testimony also highlighted changes incorporated in the Commission’s Final Report.

September 20, 2004

U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy Presents Final Report An Ocean Blueprint for the 21st Century

The news release announces that the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy submitted its Final Report to President Bush and Congress.

September 17, 2004

U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy To Submit Final Report To Congress at 3:00 p.m. Monday, Sept. 20, Room 192 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg.; Event Open to Media and Public

This media advisory announces the release of the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy's Final Report, An Ocean Blueprint for the 21st Century, to Congress at 3:00 p.m. on September 20, 2004, in Room 192 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building. The event is open to the media and the public.

September 10, 2004

U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy To Submit Final Report To President and Congress on Sept. 20; Commission Chairman Admiral James D. Watkins To Testify Before Senate Commerce Committee on Sept. 21

This media advisory announces the release of the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy’s Final Report, An Ocean Blueprint for the 21st Century, on September 20, 2004, and the Senate Commerce Committee hearing on Sept. 21.

August 5, 2004

Statement of Admiral James D. Watkins on the Oceans 21 Bill and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Act

This is the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy statement on the Oceans Conservation, Education, and National Strategy for the 21st Century Act, also known as Oceans 21, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Act.

July 28, 2004

U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy Prepares for Delivery of Final Report, An Ocean Blueprint for the 21st Century

This news release recaps the highlights from the sixteenth public meeting of the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy on July 22, 2004, in Washington, D.C.

July 22, 2004

Summary of Governor and Tribal Leader Comments on the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy’s Preliminary Report

This is a general summary of comments submitted by the governors on the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy’s Preliminary Report. The complete text of the governors’ comments is also available for viewing or download.

July 22, 2004

Summary of Public Comments on the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy’s Preliminary Report

This document identifies and summarizes some of the key issues raised and positions taken in the public comments on the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy’s Preliminary Report, but is not a comprehensive evaluation of those comments. The complete text of the public comments will be available online after the Final Report is delivered to the President and Congress.

July 19, 2004

Statement of Admiral James Watkins on New Congressional Ocean Legislation

This is the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy statement on the release of the National Ocean Policy and Leadership Act and the Ocean Research Coordination and Advancement Act.

July 15, 2004

U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy to Hold Public Meeting in Washington July 22

This media advisory announced the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy’s July 22, 2004 public meeting in Washington, D.C.

June 10, 2004

Statement of Admiral James Watkins on the Release of the Administration's Organic Act for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

This is the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy statement on the release of the Administration's Organic Act for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the nation's lead ocean agency.

May 14, 2004

U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy Extends Comment Deadline to June 4, 2004

The U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy announced that it has extended the public comment period on its Preliminary Report to June 4, 2004. The extension applies to governors and all other stakeholders.

April 22, 2004

Testimony by Admiral James D. Watkins, U.S. Navy (Retired), Chairman U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy, before the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation on April 22, 2004

Commission Chairman retired Admiral James D. Watkins, USN, testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation and the Senate Appropriations Committee on April 22, 2004. His testimony addressed the major recommendations in the Commission’s Preliminary Report. Similar written testimony was given at the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee hearing.

April 20, 2004

A Blueprint for U.S. National Ocean Policy for the 21st Century: U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy Releases Preliminary Report

Calling on Congress and President Bush to establish a new national ocean policy that balances use with sustainability, is based on sound science and educational excellence, and moves toward an ecosystem-based management approach is the centerpiece of the Preliminary Report released today by the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy.

April 20, 2004

video Video Summary of the Preliminary Report

This video summarizes the major themes and highlights of the Preliminary Report by the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy.

April 16, 2004

U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy’s Preliminary Report Calls For Immediate Action – Release Set for 9:00 a.m. on April 20, National Press Club Ballroom

This press statement announces the release of the Preliminary Report by the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy for review by the governors and interested stakeholders and offers an overview of the major recommendations for a new national ocean policy.

April 13, 2004

U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy’s Stakeholder Briefing Set for April 19th in Washington, DC

This announcement gives details for the stakeholder briefing scheduled for April 19, 2004, from 3:30 – 5:00 p.m. at the Center For Strategic & International Studies (CSIS) building, 1800 K Street, NW, Washington, DC. Representatives of stakeholder groups – including non-governmental organizations, academia, government agencies, industry associations, and others – are invited to attend this advance briefing by Commission staff. Presenters will discuss the broad findings, themes, and highlights contained in the Commission’s Preliminary Report. Copies of the Preliminary Report, which is embargoed until April 20, will NOT be distributed at this event.

March 25, 2004

U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy Announces
Comment Period for Preliminary Report
April 20 - May 21, 2004

This press statement announces that the comment period for the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy's Preliminary Report will run from April 20 to May 21, 2004.  A copy of the report and detailed instructions for submitting comments will be available for download on the Documents page of this website on April 20.

March 10, 2004

U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy To Release Preliminary Report April 20

This press statement announces that the Commission’s Preliminary Report will be publicly released on April 20, 2004, for review by the governors and interested stakeholders. A copy of the report will be available on the Documents page of this website on April 20.

February 13, 2004

A U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy Statement on the Upcoming Release of its Report

This press statement announces details on the upcoming release of the report


Federal Register Notices


"" Main Page


December 17, 2004
Press Statement

December 15, 2004
Press Statement

September 21, 2004
Congressional Testimony

September 20, 2004
News Release

September 17, 2004
Media Advisory

September 10, 2004
Media Advisory

August 5, 2004
Press Statement

July 28, 2004
News Release

July 22, 2004
Summary of
Governors' Comments

July 22, 2004
Summary of
Public Comments

July 19, 2004
Press Statement

July 15, 2004
Media Advisory

June 10, 2004
Press Statement

May 14, 2004
Press Statement

April 22, 2004

April 20, 2004
Press Statement

April 20, 2004
Video Summary

April 16, 2004
Media Advisory

April 13, 2004

March 25, 2004
Press Statement

March 10, 2004
Press Statement

February 13, 2004
Press Statement

2003 News Archive

2002 News Archive

2001 News Archive

Federal Register Notices


FR Notice of Public Meeting on July 22, 2004

FR Notice of April 20, 2004 Release of Preliminary Report


FR Notice of April 2-3, 2003 Public Meeting

FR Notice of January 24, 2003 Public Meeting

FR Notice Archive

Revised December 20, 2004 by Ocean Commission Webmaster
Site hosted by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce