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The Healthy Marriage Initiative (HMI)

Tips for Successful Program Recruitment

This summary of program recruitment strategies is based on lessons learned from Hispanic researchers and
practitioners and is not intended to be an exhaustive list of recommendations.


  • Focus marketing messages and program content on the family, not just the couple, while emphasizing the importance of marriage/couples.
    • Involve children by talking about how your relationship has an impact on your children
    • Talk about the role of extended family members in couple relationships/decision making
    • List family-centered activities as part of the program
    • Highlight child care and children’s programs as part of your services
  • Reach out to men and highlight the positive elements of “machismo.”
    • Focus on the man’s role as father and provider for the family unit
  • Create messages for your specific target audience, recognizing that there is diversity among many Hispanic audiences (e.g. U.S. born vs. newly immigrated).
    • Reach out to couples in their preferred language (English, Spanish, or both), using phrases that are common in the local Hispanic culture/community


  • Emphasize program participation as a way to enhance familial strength and unity rather than “repairing” a distressed relationship/marriage. Use phrases such as:
    • Strong couples and healthy marriages are the foundation of a vibrant family
    • It takes a dedicated couple to raise a healthy family
    • To be a good parent, you must be a committed partner
    • You can make a difference in your relationship and your family
  • Incorporate elements of fun and family bonding in program design and marketing messages.
    • Highlight the opportunity for couples to spend time together, both as a couple and as a family


  • Identify trusted community leaders and involve them in recruitment and program delivery activities. Trusted leaders may include:
    • Pastors, priests, business leaders, newspaper/radio/television personalities, etc.
  • Establish a presence in the Hispanic community by demonstrating genuine concern for the community’s overall well-being. This can only be achieved over time by developing relationships and earning trust among the respected leaders. This may involve:
    • Attending school functions, community meetings, sporting events, etc.
  • Consider who is recruiting and/or delivering the message.
    • Is he/she knowledgeable about the local Hispanic culture?
    • Is he/she able to speak Spanish if necessary?
    • Is he/she able to connect with the target population as demonstrated through professional or personal experience?


  • Use strength-based marketing messages that incorporate couple testimonials, children, and extended family members and appeal to your community.
    • Utilize images, photos, and colors that reflect local Latino culture.
    • Create marketing materials that will appeal to the men in your target population.
    • Name your program something that will resonate with your community.
    • Identify community hot spots for the target population such as restaurants, stores, child care centers, etc.
    • Identify what type of media is most influential in a particular Hispanic community (e.g. radio, television, word of mouth, community newspapers, local magazines, etc.)

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