Capitol Alert

The latest on California politics and government

Little budget news emerged from Tuesday's Big 5 meeting.

And one day before his annual State of the State address, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has no planned public events.

But union groups and others have organized a "State of the People" for this morning, to be delivered on the south steps of the Capitol at 11 a.m.

They'll be lamenting the impact of further budget cuts, particularly in the state's social services safety net.

Representatives of the Association of California State Supervisors will also be on the south steps today. That's the state worker group that urged the Legislature on Tuesday to begin impeachment hearings over Schwarzenegger's furlough plan.

Because that CCPOA recall effort worked wonders...

The Legislative Analyst's Office will release a new report on California's Cash Flow Crisis. You know, like how the state could start issuing IOUs in less than three weeks.

The LAO report, to be released at 1 p.m., will outline how the state's cash flow work, how things have fallen apart and how the cash crunch could affect Californians.

In more budget-related news, Education Week magazine, in its annual state-by-state survey of public education, gave California an overall "C" grade.

But, Dan Walters reports, the California Teachers Association is jumping on the state's "F" in school spending, which has dropped to 47th in the nation on a per-pupil basis.

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Shane Goldmacher and The Bee Capitol Bureau report on the people and politics of California government. Get e-mail alerts for breaking news, as well as exclusive previews of Capitol happenings and stories in tomorrow's Bee.

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