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World  Agricultural Production OnLine

Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division
Foreign Agricultural Service

Circular Series

WAP 08-03

August 2003


Table of Contents

World Agricultural Production in PDF Format 

Key Production Briefs

Foreign Grain Output Spirals Down

European Union:  Drought Damages 2003/04 Wheat and Corn Crops

Canada:  2003/04 Wheat Crop Damaged by Hot Dry Winds

Romania:  2003/04 Wheat Production Falls To New Low; Corn Production Dwindles

Ukraine:  2003/04 Wheat Crop Estimated Still Lower

Iran and Afghanistan:  2003/04 Wheat Production Higher

Brazil: 2002/03 Corn Prospects Highly Favorable

India: 2003/04 Corn Production Increases

China:  2003/04 Rice Production Revised Downward

Japan:  Unfavorably Cool and Cloudy Weather Lowers 2003/04 Rice Yields

Russia:  Abandoned Grain Area Replanted to Sunflowers in 2003/04

Malaysia and Indonesia:  Palm Oil Production Forecast Higher for 2003/04

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Area, Yield and Production Tables

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Updated: December 03, 2003

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