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World Agricultural Production

March 12, 1997

This report draws on information from USDA's global network of agricultural attaches and counselors, official statistics of foreign governments, other foreign source materials, and results of office analysis. Estimates of U.S. acreage, yield and production are from the USDA Agricultural Statistics Board, except where noted. This report is based on unrounded data; numbers may not add to totals because of rounding. The report reflects official USDA estimates released in the World Agricultural Supply Estimates (WASDE-324) March 11, 1997.

The report was prepared by the Production Estimates and Crop Assessment Division, FAS, AGBOX 1045, 14th and Independence Ave., Washington, DC 20250-1000. Further information may be obtained by writing to the division, or by calling (202) 720-0888, 9516, or by FAX (202) 720-8880.

The next issue of World Agricultural Production, Part 1, will be available electronically after 3:30 pm local time on April 14, 1997.


March 11, 1997

UNITED STATES: Above average February rainfall extended from the Southwest across the Great Plains winter wheat areas into the Mississippi and Ohio Valleys and much of the Southeast. The moisture was beneficial for winter wheat. Inundating rainfall and snowmelt from unusually mild weather flooded the Ohio, Tennessee and middle Mississippi River basins. Wetness continued into early March, but recent drier weather allowed rivers to slowly recede. Ample moisture is delaying early crop planting in the South, except in Florida. A deep snowpack persists in the upper Midwest while a series of early-March storms hit the Northwest.

SOUTH AMERICA: A February drying trend continued into early March, stressing second-crop soybeans in portions of central Argentina. Timely rain is needed to maintain favorable soybean yield prospects. In southern Brazil, near to above normal February rainfall favored reproductive to filling soybeans.

EUROPE: Above-normal precipitation and unusually mild weather in February in England, northern France, and Germany prompt early greening of winter grains and favor early spring fieldwork. Recent mild weather in eastern Europe prompts early greening of winter grains. In Spain, dry weather since early February lowers soil moisture needed for winter grain development and spring crop planting.

FSU-WESTERN: Overwintering conditions continued mostly favorable for winter grains in Russia and most of Ukraine. Mild weather since February 21 diminishes snow cover in the west and south about 4 weeks earlier than usual, allowing early season fieldwork.

NORTHWEST AFRICA: Drought in Algeria and Tunisia reduces yield prospects for winter grains. In Morocco, although abundant moisture during the fall and early winter favored winter grain germination and early plant development, dry weather since late January has depleted soil moisture reserves and increased stress on crops entering the heading stage.

SOUTH AFRICA: Dry, locally hot weather stressed immature corn during the first half of February. Crops generally ranged from reproductive to filling. Although most corn experienced some stress, the earliest planted crops had already progressed through the most critical stages of development. In March, unseasonably heavy rain stabilized immature crops and increased soil moisture for winter wheat, typically planted in May.

EASTERN ASIA: Unseasonably warm late-February and early-March weather caused winter wheat to break dormancy. Above normal February and early-March rainfall favored greening wheat. Early double-crop rice transplanting began in early March.

SOUTHEAST ASIA: Near to slightly below normal February rainfall aided filling main-season rice in Java. Above normal showers caused some local flooding in peninsular Malaysia. Near to above normal February rainfall slowed second-season crop harvesting in the eastern Philippines.

AUSTRALIA: Untimely, locally heavy rain has plagued eastern Australia's main summer crop zones, keeping maturing cotton and sorghum unfavorably wet. However, the moisture has been beneficial for pastures and for increasing long term moisture reserves in major winter grain areas.

(More details are available in the Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin. USDA/Joint Agricultural Weather Facility

UNITED STATES: Severe winter conditions stressed livestock in the northern Plains. Record snow depths were reported in the Dakotas and Minnesota, while Arctic air and blustery winds produced dangerously low wind chills. A blast of Arctic air also penetrated into Florida on January 18-20, causing damage to citrus in central Florida and winter vegetables in the south. Some beneficial precipitation fell recently in the southern Great Plains, boosting topsoil moisture for dormant winter grains.

SOUTH AMERICA: Early February showers alleviated January dryness across Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Near- to above-normal rainfall favored soybeans elsewhere in southern Brazil. In central Argentina, abundant January rainfall favored soybeans and corn in Buenos Aires. However, rain is needed to reverse a recent drying trend in southern Santa Fe.

EUROPE: Overwintering conditions were mostly favorable for winter grains. Although well-below-normal precipitation in northern and eastern Europe had little impact on dormant winter grains, the dryness limited moisture recharge. Continued wet weather in Spain boosted reservoir and soil moisture levels, and benefited pastures and winter wheat. However, locally heavy rain in southern Spain reportedly caused some flooding and crop damage

FSU-WESTERN: Overwintering conditions were mostly favorable for winter grains in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and the Baltics. Although a period of bitter cold in early February threatened winter grains in Ukraine and Russia, a variable snow cover protected crops from widespread damage.

NORTHWEST AFRICA: Rain in Morocco benefited winter grains in the vegetative stage. Although recent rain in Algeria and Tunisia eased long-term moisture deficits, additional rain will be needed in upcoming weeks to prevent significant declines in crop yield potential.

SOUTH AFRICA: Dry pockets have developed in the corn belt over the past few weeks, notably in the east and the far west. Unfavorable warmth, especially in the west, enhanced evaporative losses and caused some crop stress. Recent rain in western and northern corn areas stabilized conditions, but crops are advancing through reproduction and need additional moisture to sustain the expected yield potential.

EASTERN ASIA: Seasonably cool weather kept winter wheat dormant across the North China Plain. Above normal January rainfall favored winter grains and oilseeds and boosted irrigation supplies for summer crops.

SOUTHEAST ASIA: In Java, irrigation supplies remained favorable for main-season rice. Much-below-normal January rainfall reduced moisture for plantation crops across peninsular Malaysia. Rains returned to the region in early February. Rainfall was near normal across the Philippines.

AUSTRALIA: In late January and early February, periods of very heavy rain (100-200 mm) in the main sorghum and cotton areas greatly increased moisture reserves but caused some flooding. Drier and warmer weather was needed for a return to normal growing conditions. In the southeast, widespread, locally heavy rain brought some relief from an early February heat wave, especially in pasture and grazing areas.

(More details are available in the Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin. USDA/Joint Agricultural Weather Facility

               PRODUCTION HIGHLIGHTS FOR 1996/97
                           March 1997


                ---------1996/97--------- Change
            Current   Monthly   Monthly   From
Country     Estimate  Change    Change    1995/96
              MMT       MMT  (Percent)    (Percent)

World        581.5    +0.4      +0             +8     
Production is estimated higher this month due to an increase
 in the total foreign category.

United States 62.1      NC      NC             +5     
Production is unchanged.

Total Foreign
             519.4    +0.4      +0             +9     
Production is estimated higher this month as increases in
 Australia, Chile, and Uruguay more than offset a slight decrease
 in the European Union.

Australia     23.5    +0.4      +2            +38     
Production is estimated at a record level based on an 
ABARE report that increased yield.

Chile          1.5    +0.1     +10            +39     
Production is estimated higher due to an increase in 
area  and record yield.

Uruguay        0.6    +0.1     +26            +50     
Production is estimated higher due to record yield.

European Union99.3    -0.2      -0            +15     
Production is estimated lower as a decline in Italy's 
output more than offset slight increases in France, 
Germany, and Netherlands. 

                         COARSE GRAINS
World        887.7    -0.6      -0            +11     
Production is estimated lower due to a decline in the 
total foreign category.

United States         
             267.6      NC      NC            +28     
Production is unchanged.

Total Foreign
             620.2    -0.6      -0             +5     
Production is estimated lower mainly due to decreases in
India and South Africa which more than offset increases in 
the European Union, Argentina, and Australia.

India         32.3    -1.4      -4             +9     
Production is estimated lower for corn, sorghum, and millet 
due to decreases in area.

South Africa   9.1    -1.0     -10            -17     
Production is forecast lower as periods of hot, dry weather 
in parts of the Maize Triangle reduced yield potential.

Yugoslavia     9.0    -0.2      -2             -2     
Production is estimated lower due to reduced yield in Serbia.

European Union        
             104.0    +1.2      +1            +18     
Production is estimated higher mainly due to increases in 
corn output for Italy, Germany, and France.

Argentina     17.9    +0.4      +2            +27     
Production is forecast higher as plantings of sorghum for 
grain were higher than expected.

Australia      9.1    +0.2      +2             -3     
Production is forecast higher due to an ABARE report 
increasing sorghum, barley, and oat output.

                      RICE (MILLED BASIS)

World        374.9    -2.4      -1             +1     
Production is estimated lower due to a decline in the total 
foreign category.

United States           
               5.6      NC      NC             -1     
Production is unchanged.

Total Foreign
             369.3    -2.4      -1             +1     
Production is estimated lower mainly due to decreases in  
Burma, India, and Thailand.

Burma          9.3    -1.1     -11             -7     
Production is estimated lower based on field travel and 
official sources indicating that the wet-season rice had reduced 
yield due to input, weather, and pest problems.

India         80.0    -1.0       -1             +1     
Production is estimated lower as harvest results indicate  
reduced yield.

Thailand      13.9    -0.5       -3             -3     
Production is estimated lower based on field travel from  
the U.S. agricultural counselor's office in Bangkok and reports 
that  dryness in the Northeast, excessive rainfall during flowering, 
and flooding in the Central Plains reduced yield for the 
main-season crop. 

Philippines    7.5    +0.2       +3             +3     
Production is estimated at a record due to an increase in 
area and improved yield performance.


World        259.1    +1.8       +1             +1     
Production is estimated higher due to an increase in the total foreign

United States 74.9      NC       NC             +8     

Production is unchanged.

Total Foreign         
             184.2    +1.8       +1             -2     
Production is estimated higher due to increases for China, 
Brazil, India, and Paraguay which more than offset a decline for 
South Africa.  

China         39.7    +0.7       +2             -8     
Production is estimated higher based on increased estimates 
for rapeseed area and yield as well as an increase in soybean 
yield.  The estimate for sunflowerseed output was lowered due 
to a reduction in yield.

Brazil        27.7    +0.5       +2            +13     
Production is estimated higher based on improved soybean  
yields in the CenterWest despite indications of less area in 
the Center South.

India         25.1    +0.4       +2             +1     
Production is estimated higher due to increased area and 
yield for rapeseed and an upward revision of cottonseed area.

Paraguay       2.9    +0.2       +7             +8     
Production is estimated higher due to favorable weather which 
increased soybean yield.

South Africa   0.8    -0.2      -16            -31     
Production is estimated lower based on a National Crop Estimating 
Committee report indicating lower sunflower and peanut area which 
more than offset increased soybean area.

                            PALM OIL
World        16.6     +0.0       +0             +6     
Production is changed only fractionally this month due to 
a slight increase for Guatemala which more than offset a 
lower estimate for Colombia.


                ---------1996/97--------- Change
            Current   Monthly   Monthly   From
Country     Estimate  Change    Change    1995/96
             MBALES   MBALES   (Percent)  (Percent)                            
World Total   86.3    +0.1         +0         -6     
Production is estimated higher due to an increase in the total 
foreign category.

United States 19.0      NC         NC         +6     
Production is unchanged.

Total Foreign 67.4    +0.1         +0         -9     
Production is forecast slightly higher due to increases in India 
and Pakistan which more than offset reductions in Greece 
and Australia.

India         12.5    +0.2         +2         -1     
Production is forecast higher due to upward revisions in 
area and yield. 

Pakistan       7.0    +0.2         +3        -15     
Production is forecast higher due to improved yield.  Insect 
infestations last fall had a less-than-expected effect on yield.

Greece         1.4    -0.1         -8        -32     
Production is forecast lower based upon data from the Hellenic 
Cotton Board.

Australia      2.5    -0.1         -4        +30     
Production is forecast lower due to cool temperatures and rainy
conditions  during early February throughout the main cotton 
producing areas.

                 WHEAT : World Production Estimates
               1994/95 - 1995/96 and Forecast 1996/97
         Production, Area, and Yield for Selected Producers

              |         |          |PRELIMINAR | 1996/97 FORECAST
  PRODUCER    |  UNIT   | 1994/95  | 1995/96   | Feb. 12  Mar. 11
  Production   MIL. MT    524.580     536.924     581.039  581.459
  Area         MIL. HA    215.191     219.550     229.972  229.753
  Yield        MT/HA        2.438       2.446       2.527    2.531
  Production   MIL. MT     63.167      59.400      62.099   62.099
  Area         MIL. HA     24.998      24.664      25.435   25.435
  Yield        MT/HA        2.527       2.408       2.441    2.441
  Production   MIL. MT    461.413     477.524     518.940  519.360
  Area         MIL. HA    190.193     194.886     204.537  204.318
  Yield        MT/HA        2.426       2.450       2.537    2.542
  Production   MIL. MT     11.300       9.200      15.500   15.500
  Area         MIL. HA      5.100       4.781       6.700    6.700
  Yield        MT/HA        2.216       1.924       2.313    2.313
  Production   MIL. MT      8.903      16.975      23.100   23.500
  Area         MIL. HA      8.003       9.721      11.100   11.000
  Yield        MT/HA        1.112       1.746       2.081    2.136
  Production   MIL. MT     23.122      25.037      30.500   30.500
  Area         MIL. HA     10.838      11.141      12.650   12.650
  Yield        MT/HA        2.133       2.247       2.411    2.411
  Production   MIL. MT     84.541      86.168      99.460   99.305
  Area         MIL. HA     15.786      16.153      17.030   16.905
  Yield        MT/HA        5.355       5.334       5.840    5.874
  Production   MIL. MT     59.904      58.923      62.950   62.950
  Area         MIL. HA     42.218      45.310      47.310   47.310
  Yield        MT/HA        1.419       1.300       1.331    1.331
  Production   MIL. MT     33.962      34.990      26.470   26.470
  Area         MIL. HA     10.072       9.710       8.730    8.730
  Yield        MT/HA        3.372       3.604       3.032    3.032
  Production   MIL. MT     99.300     102.215     109.000  109.000
  Area         MIL. HA     28.981      28.860      29.500   29.500
  Yield        MT/HA        3.426       3.542       3.695    3.695
  Production   MIL. MT     59.840      65.470      62.620   62.620
  Area         MIL. HA     25.100      25.600      25.100   25.100
  Yield        MT/HA        2.384       2.557       2.495    2.495
  Production   MIL. MT     15.212      17.002      16.907   16.907
  Area         MIL. HA      8.034       8.170       8.376    8.376
  Yield        MT/HA        1.893       2.081       2.019    2.019
  Production   MIL. MT     14.700      15.500      16.500   16.500
  Area         MIL. HA      8.600       8.550       8.450    8.450
  Yield        MT/HA        1.709       1.813       1.953    1.953
  Production   MIL. MT      4.151       3.460       3.200    3.200
  Area         MIL. HA      0.965       0.870       0.800    0.800
  Yield        MT/HA        4.302       3.977       4.000    4.000

  Production   MIL. MT      0.805       0.946       0.921    0.921
  Area         MIL. HA      0.171       0.166       0.163    0.163
  Yield        MT/HA        4.708       5.699       5.650    5.650
Mar. 11,1997              Timothy Rocke, Grains Chairperson, PECAD

                 CORN : World Production Estimates
               1994/95 - 1995/96 and Forecast 1996/97
         Production, Area, and Yield for Selected Producers

              |         |          |PRELIMINAR | 1996/97 FORECAST
  PRODUCER    |  UNIT   | 1994/95  | 1995/96   | Feb. 12  Mar. 11
  Production   MIL. MT    561.085     515.446     576.043  575.630
  Area         MIL. HA    134.917     134.135     139.569  139.586
  Yield        MT/HA        4.159       3.843       4.127    4.124
  Production   MIL. MT    256.621     187.305     236.064  236.064
  Area         MIL. HA     29.496      26.303      29.602   29.602
  Yield        MT/HA        8.700       7.121       7.975    7.975
  Production   MIL. MT    304.464     328.141     339.979  339.566
  Area         MIL. HA    105.421     107.832     109.967  109.984
  Yield        MT/HA        2.888       3.043       3.092    3.087
  Production   MIL. MT     11.360      11.100      14.500   14.500
  Area         MIL. HA      2.550       2.700       3.300    3.300
  Yield        MT/HA        4.455       4.111       4.394    4.394
  Production   MIL. MT      4.845      10.200       9.500    8.500
  Area         MIL. HA      2.952       3.300       3.400    3.400
  Yield        MT/HA        1.641       3.091       2.794    2.500
  Production   MIL. MT      3.800       3.700       4.000    4.000
  Area         MIL. HA      1.200       1.140       1.200    1.200
  Yield        MT/HA        3.167       3.246       3.333    3.333
  Production   MIL. MT     22.716      25.371      25.570   25.355
  Area         MIL. HA      7.068       6.949       7.085    7.080
  Yield        MT/HA        3.214       3.651       3.609    3.581
  Production   MIL. MT     28.298      28.960      33.830   34.782
  Area         MIL. HA      3.717       3.691       4.051    4.105
  Yield        MT/HA        7.613       7.846       8.351    8.473
  Production   MIL. MT      4.032       6.990       4.505    4.505
  Area         MIL. HA      1.880       2.465       2.097    2.097
  Yield        MT/HA        2.145       2.836       2.148    2.148
  Production   MIL. MT     17.005      17.780      19.000   19.000
  Area         MIL. HA      8.022       7.800       8.200    8.200
  Yield        MT/HA        2.120       2.279       2.317    2.317
  Production   MIL. MT     99.280     112.000     117.000  117.000
  Area         MIL. HA     21.152      22.767      23.500   23.500
  Yield        MT/HA        4.694       4.919       4.979    4.979
  Production   MIL. MT     37.440      32.480      34.000   34.000
  Area         MIL. HA     14.189      13.767      14.000   14.000
  Yield        MT/HA        2.639       2.359       2.429    2.429
  Production   MIL. MT      4.534       4.324       4.300    4.300

  Area         MIL. HA      2.967       2.760       2.700    2.700
  Yield        MT/HA        1.528       1.567       1.593    1.593
  Production   MIL. MT      6.100       6.000       6.600    6.600
  Area         MIL. HA      3.652       3.531       3.550    3.550
  Yield        MT/HA        1.670       1.699       1.859    1.859
  Production   MIL. MT      7.043       7.271       7.200    7.200
  Area         MIL. HA      0.955       1.003       1.040    1.040
  Yield        MT/HA        7.375       7.249       6.923    6.923
Mar. 11,1997              Timothy Rocke, Grains Chairperson, PECAD

               SOYBEANS : World Production Estimates
               1994/95 - 1995/96 and Forecast 1996/97
         Production, Area, and Yield for Selected Producers

              |         |          |PRELIMINAR | 1996/97 FORECAST
  PRODUCER    |  UNIT   | 1994/95  | 1995/96   | Feb. 12  Mar. 11
  Production   MIL. MT    137.780     124.753     132.811  133.984
  Area         MIL. HA     62.207      61.334      63.237   63.038
  Yield        MT/HA        2.215       2.034       2.100    2.125
  Production   MIL. MT     68.493      59.243      64.837   64.837
  Area         MIL. HA     24.629      24.938      25.661   25.661
  Yield        MT/HA        2.781       2.376       2.527    2.527
  Production   MIL. MT     69.287      65.510      67.974   69.147
  Area         MIL. HA     37.578      36.396      37.576   37.377
  Yield        MT/HA        1.844       1.800       1.809    1.850
  Production   MIL. MT     12.650      12.640      13.500   13.500
  Area         MIL. HA      5.700       5.980       6.200    6.200
  Yield        MT/HA        2.219       2.114       2.177    2.177
  Production   MIL. MT     25.900      23.700      26.500   27.000
  Area         MIL. HA     11.680      10.950      12.000   11.800
  Yield        MT/HA        2.217       2.164       2.208    2.288
  Production   MIL. MT      2.200       2.400       2.500    2.700
  Area         MIL. HA      1.100       1.100       1.200    1.200
  Yield        MT/HA        2.000       2.182       2.083    2.250
  Production   MIL. MT     16.000      13.500      12.500   13.000
  Area         MIL. HA      9.222       8.127       7.500    7.500
  Yield        MT/HA        1.735       1.661       1.667    1.733
  Production   MIL. MT      1.680       1.560       1.550    1.550
  Area         MIL. HA      1.477       1.390       1.400    1.400
  Yield        MT/HA        1.137       1.122       1.107    1.107
  Production   MIL. MT      0.256       0.303       0.352    0.345
  Area         MIL. HA      0.164       0.178       0.214    0.213
  Yield        MT/HA        1.561       1.702       1.645    1.620
  Production   MIL. MT      1.029       0.939       1.070    1.070
  Area         MIL. HA      0.352       0.291       0.314    0.314
  Yield        MT/HA        2.923       3.227       3.408    3.408
  Production   MIL. MT      2.251       2.293       2.170    2.170
  Area         MIL. HA      0.820       0.824       0.860    0.860

  Yield        MT/HA        2.745       2.783       2.523    2.523
Mar. 11,1997             Rod Paschal, Oilseeds Chairperson, PECAD

                COTTON : World Production Estimates
               1994/95 - 1995/96 and Forecast 1996/97
         Production, Area, and Yield for Selected Producers

              |         |          |PRELIMINAR | 1996/97 FORECAST
  PRODUCER    |  UNIT   | 1994/95  | 1995/96   | Feb. 12  Mar. 11
  Production   MIL. BALES  85.520      92.174      86.212   86.337
  Area         MIL. HA     32.149      35.878      33.440   33.805
  Yield        KG/HA          579         559         561      556
  Production   MIL. BALES  19.662      17.900      18.951   18.951
  Area         MIL. HA      5.391       6.478       5.193    5.193
  Yield        KG/HA          794         602         795      795
  Production   MIL. BALES  65.858      74.274      67.261   67.386
  Area         MIL. HA     26.758      29.400      28.247   28.612
  Yield        KG/HA          536         550         518      513
  Production   MIL. BALES   1.539       1.929       2.600    2.500
  Area         MIL. HA      0.222       0.304       0.390    0.390
  Yield        KG/HA        1,509       1,382       1,452    1,396
  Production   MIL. BALES   0.052       0.065       0.047    0.047
  Area         MIL. HA      0.017       0.019       0.013    0.013
  Yield        KG/HA          666         745         787      787
  Production   MIL. BALES   1.170       1.088       1.600    1.600
  Area         MIL. HA      0.305       0.306       0.387    0.387
  Yield        KG/HA          835         774         900      900
  Production   MIL. BALES   0.458       0.860       1.100    1.150
  Area         MIL. HA      0.146       0.242       0.300    0.300
  Yield        KG/HA          683         774         798      835
  Production   MIL. BALES   6.250       8.200       6.800    7.000
  Area         MIL. HA      2.650       3.048       3.200    3.200
  Yield        KG/HA          514         586         463      476
  Production   MIL. BALES   0.400       0.490       0.450    0.450
  Area         MIL. HA      0.174       0.220       0.230    0.230
  Yield        KG/HA          501         485         426      426
  Production   MIL. BALES   2.886       3.911       3.650    3.650
  Area         MIL. HA      0.582       0.757       0.750    0.750
  Yield        KG/HA        1,080       1,125       1,060    1,060
  Production   MIL. BALES   8.778       8.260       6.570    6.570
  Area         MIL. HA      2.707       2.573       2.545    2.545
  Yield        KG/HA          706         699         562      562
  Production   MIL. BALES   1.608       1.930       1.900    1.900
  Area         MIL. HA      0.700       0.960       0.900    0.900
  Yield        KG/HA          500         438         460      460
  Production   MIL. BALES   2.526       1.791       1.400    1.400
  Area         MIL. HA      1.220       1.130       0.750    0.750
  Yield        KG/HA          451         345         406      406

  Production   MIL. BALES  19.900      21.900      17.500   17.500
  Area         MIL. HA      5.530       5.422       4.800    4.800
  Yield        KG/HA          784         879         794      794
  Production   MIL. BALES  10.814      12.649      12.300   12.500
  Area         MIL. HA      7.861       9.063       8.500    8.865
  Yield        KG/HA          300         304         315      307
Mar. 11,1997               Ron Roberson, Cotton Chairperson, PECAD

        RICE (Milled Basis) : World Production Estimates
               1994/95 - 1995/96 and Forecast 1996/97
         Production, Area, and Yield for Selected Producers

              |         |          |PRELIMINAR | 1996/97 FORECAST
  PRODUCER    |  UNIT   | 1994/95  | 1995/96   | Feb. 12  Mar. 11
  Production   MIL. MT    365.281     370.756     377.259  374.874
  Area         MIL. HA    148.088     148.580     148.495  148.734
  Yield        MT/HA        2.467       2.495       2.541    2.520
  Production   MIL. MT      6.648       5.631       5.595    5.595
  Area         MIL. HA      1.342       1.252       1.133    1.133
  Yield        MT/HA        4.954       4.498       4.938    4.938
  Production   MIL. MT    358.633     365.125     371.664  369.279
  Area         MIL. HA    146.746     147.328     147.362  147.601
  Yield        MT/HA        2.444       2.478       2.522    2.502
  Production   MIL. MT      3.447       3.936       4.260    4.260
  Area         MIL. HA      2.107       2.162       2.230    2.230
  Yield        MT/HA        1.636       1.821       1.910    1.910
  Production   MIL. MT      9.280      10.000      10.440    9.300
  Area         MIL. HA      5.517       5.700       5.700    5.700
  Yield        MT/HA        1.682       1.754       1.832    1.632
  Production   MIL. MT     14.124      14.400      14.400   13.900
  Area         MIL. HA      9.196       9.250       9.200    9.200
  Yield        MT/HA        1.536       1.557       1.565    1.511
  Production   MIL. MT    123.151     129.650     132.000  132.000
  Area         MIL. HA     30.171      30.700      30.700   30.700
  Yield        MT/HA        4.082       4.223       4.300    4.300
  Production   MIL. MT     32.333      32.700      33.500   33.500
  Area         MIL. HA     11.439      11.400      11.600   11.600
  Yield        MT/HA        2.827       2.868       2.888    2.888
  Production   MIL. MT      5.060       4.694       5.320    5.320
  Area         MIL. HA      1.102       1.056       1.050    1.050
  Yield        MT/HA        4.592       4.445       5.067    5.067
  Production   MIL. MT     10.903       9.781       9.413    9.413
  Area         MIL. HA      2.212       2.118       1.977    1.977
  Yield        MT/HA        4.929       4.618       4.761    4.761
  Production   MIL. MT      7.402       6.834       6.200    6.200
  Area         MIL. HA      4.242       3.880       3.700    3.700
  Yield        MT/HA        1.745       1.761       1.676    1.676
  Production   MIL. MT      0.813       0.680       1.040    1.050

  Area         MIL. HA      0.128       0.149       0.165    0.165
  Yield        MT/HA        6.352       4.564       6.303    6.364
  Production   MIL. MT      6.809       7.263       7.300    7.500
  Area         MIL. HA      3.668       3.924       3.950    4.000
  Yield        MT/HA        1.856       1.851       1.848    1.875
  Production   MIL. MT     81.160      79.460      81.000   80.000
  Area         MIL. HA     42.500      42.300      42.500   42.700
  Yield        MT/HA        1.910       1.878       1.906    1.874
  Production   MIL. MT     16.833      17.687      18.500   18.500
  Area         MIL. HA      9.922       9.941      10.000   10.000
  Yield        MT/HA        1.697       1.779       1.850    1.850
Mar. 11,1997              Timothy Rocke, Grains Chairperson, PECAD



The estimate for 1996/97 world centrifugal sugar production has been revised to 124.0 million tons (raw value). This is 1 percent below the preliminary forecast released in November 1996 (WAP 11-96), but 1 percent higher than the previous record of 122.5 million tons set in 1995/96. Sugar produced from sugarcane is forecast at 86.9 million tons, up marginally from 1995/96. Sugar processed from sugarbeets is estimated at 37.1 million tons, up 4 percent from last season.

The 1996/97 estimate for India, the world's largest sugar producer, is 15.6 million tons, down 8 percent from the November forecast and down 15 percent from last season's record outturn of 18.3 million. Other major-producing countries with downward revisions in production since November include: Thailand and Pakistan, each down 200,000 tons to 6.3 and 2.6 million, respectively; Russia, down 150,000 tons to 1.75 million; and Ukraine and South Africa, each down 100,000 tons to 2.9 and 2.6 million, respectively.

Partially offsetting the sharp decline in India, the European Union's (EU-15) sugar forecast for 1996/97 has been raised 3 percent since November and 4 percent from last season. Sugar output in Brazil has been increased to an all-time high of 14.65 million tons, up 1 percent from November and 7 percent above the previous record last season. Sugar production in the Central-South and North-Northeast regions of Brazil is forecast at 11.2 and 3.5 million tons, respectively. Other major-producing countries with upward revisions in production since the November forecast include: Poland, up 246,000 tons to 2.4 million; United States, up 95,000 tons to 6.6 million; and Mexico up 100,000 tons to 4.7 million.


World Cocoa Bean Production will not be published at this time. The next scheduled release is October 1997.

                        (1,000 Metric tons)

                       1994/95     1995/96       As of       As of
                                                 11/96        3/97

    Western Hemisphere
       Argentina         1,180       1,590       1,320       1,380
       Brazil           12,500      13,700      14,500      14,650
       Colombia          2,071       2,002       2,030       2,030
       Cuba              3,300       4,450       4,600       4,600
       Guatemala         1,333       1,334       1,440       1,440
       Mexico            4,556       4,660       4,600       4,700
       United State      7,191       6,686       6,468       6,563

    European Union      16,533      17,005      17,244      17,724
       France            4,363       4,601       4,400       4,560
       Germany           3,991       4,150       4,550       4,550
       Italy             1,622       1,621       1,460       1,560
       Netherlands       1,050       1,085       1,100       1,120
       Spain             1,214       1,195       1,200       1,250
       United Kingd      1,373       1,330       1,500       1,500

    Eastern Europe
        Poland           1,492       1,714       2,200       2,446

        Russia           1,655       2,060       1,900       1,750
        Ukraine          3,600       3,800       3,000       2,900

       Egypt             1,088       1,109       1,250       1,250
       South Africa      1,770       1,769       2,500       2,400

    Middle East
       Turkey            1,678       1,375       2,000       2,000

       China             5,900       6,750       7,000       7,000
       India 3/         16,410      18,270      17,000      15,600
       Indonesia         2,450       2,100       2,450       2,450
       Pakistan          3,212       2,643       2,800       2,600
       Philippines       1,647       1,787       1,850       1,800
       Thailand          5,448       6,300       6,500       6,300

       Australia         5,196       5,136       5,600       5,600

    Others              15,552      16,214      16,737      16,771

    WORLD              115,762     122,454     124,989     123,954

1/ Includes Puerto Rico.

2/ Total EU sugar production excludes French overseas departments.

3/ The EC now includes Austria, Finland, and Sweden which became members January 1, 1995.

4/ Includes khandsari sugar in thousands of tons (raw value equivalent)as follows: 1994/95 - 720; 1995/96 - 620; 1996/97 - 620.



Last modified: Thursday, December 11, 2003