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[Note that the Library of Congress microfilm number for this entire collection is 5042]

Monastery of Iviron

[4]217. (old 665). (Greg. 1028). Matthew with
     Commentary.  11th cent. 79 f. vellum  16 ft.

25.1 x 17 cm.; 1 col. (13.1 x 7.8, text);
20 lines.
Text begins at Mt 4:24. Ends with the
chap. list for Mark.

231. (old 25). (Greg. 1854). Praxapostolos with
     Apocalypse. lOth/llth cent. 321 f. vellum

54 ft.
23.9 x 17.9 cm.; 1 col. (15.8 x 12); 20
Two no. 144, 145.

245. (old 39). (Greg. L 680). Apostolo-Evangelion.
     13th cent. 264 f. vellum 41 ft.

24.5 x 16.4 cm.; 1 col. (18.3 x 10.5); 36
Two no. 65; folio omitted after f. 90.
Later hand on paper folios scattered from
1 to 54. f. 255 on by different hand
(another ms.?).

260. (old 31). (Greg. 999). New Testament (lacking
     Rev.). 13th/l4th cent. 360 f. vellum 56 ft.

23.5 x 16.8 cm.; 1 col. (16.3 x 11.0); 29

273. (old 34). (Greg. 2073). Apocalypse with
     Commentary of Andreas; John Chrysostom on

Rule of Spiritual Instruction. 1316 A.D.
155 f. vellum 25 ft.
23.5 x 16.4 cm.; 1 col. (17.8 x 9.5)
28 lines.
f. 73, 128, 157 omitted. Later hand:
f. 2-5 (paper).
Colophon on f. 156v identifies the date
as 1316.

305. (old 36). (Greg. L 679). Evangelion. 13th
     cent. 210 f. vellum 34 ft.

22.3 x 18.9 cm.; 2 cols. (16.1 x 6.1,
total 12.5); 25 lines.
Two no. 22. f. 11 (paper), later hand.
Colophon on f. 209v identifies the scribe
as Nicolaos, and the donor as the priest

Athos monastery of Simonopetra

Athos Monastery of Simonopetra
From the Arnold Genthe Collection
Prints and Photographs Division
Reproduction Number: LC-G4085- 0258

Guide to Manuscripts in the Monasteries of Mt. Athos

Table of Contents

Viewing or Ordering Copies of Manuscripts
Foreward to the 1957 edition
Manuscript Reproductions available at LC
      Monastery of Dionysios
      Monastery of Iviron
      Monastery of The Lavra
      Monastery of Pantokrator            [Pant]
      Monastery of Stravroniketa           [Stavr.]
      Monastery of Vatopedi                 [Vat.]
      Monastery of Iviron
      Anatolia College, Salonika
Other Collections

334. (old 54). (Greg. 1004). Four Gospels.
     1291 A.D. 192 f. vellum 29 ft.

Palimpsest with uncial underwriting.
22.3 x 15.8 cm.; 1 col. (15.5 x 11.4);
24 lines.
Unnumbered folio following f. 85.
Colophon on f. 190v names the scribe
as Theophylact and the date as 1291.

342. (old 809). (Greg. 1030). Four Gospels with
     Psalter and Liturgical Material. 1518 A.D.

503 f. paper 79 ft.
22.7 x 16.1 cm.; 1 col. (16.7 x 10.5);
25 lines.
f. 293 omitted; two no. 364, 424.
Miniatures: Basil (f. 250); John Chrysostom
(f. 251); Gregory the Theologian (f. 252);
Theodorus (f. 253).
Colophons on f. 491v contain the name of the
writer, Theophilos, the wretched and ragged;
the date April, 1518 in Iviron. Another
colophon on f. 497r warns against any sepa-
ration of the parts of the book.

354. (old 379). (Greg. 2074). Apocalypse with
     Commentary. 10th cent. 221 f. vellum

36 ft.
22.3 x 14.8 cm.; 1 col. (17.3 x 10.5);
38-40 lines.
Includes writings of Theodoret of Kyrros;
Andreas of Caesarea: Comm. on the Apoca-
lypse (f. 83v-145r); and Procopios on

373. (old 780). Liturgical Book. 1400 A.D.
     168 f. paper 30 ft.

21.8 x 14.4 cm.; 1 col. (15.4 x 8.8);
23 lines.
Includes lections from the Evangelion
and Apostolos for special days together
with liturgies, offices, prayers, and
the heothina.
Colophon on f. 168r identifies the date
as February 1400.


404. (old 37). (Greg. 1855). Praxapostolos.
     13th cent. 211 f. vellum 37 ft.

21.9 x 18.6 cm.; 1 col. (15.5 x 11.3);
25 lines.
Two no. 11; unnumbered folio following
f. 169; f. 127-130 paper.

453. (old 647). (Greg. 1027). Four Gospels with
     Commentary of Theophylact. 1492 A.D.

449 f. paper 74 ft.
20.9 x 14.4 cm.; 1 col. (15.7 x 11.0);
29 lines (av.).
Colophon on f. 449r names the scribe as
Baliante the Sinner and the year 1492.

508. (old 644). (Greg. 2077). Apocalypse with
     Commentary of Andreas et al. 1685 A.D.

319 f. paper 52 ft.
21.2 x 14.5 cm.; 1 col. (15.1 x 10.1);
21 lines.
With comments of Andreas, Gregory the
Theologian; Cyril of Alexandria, Papias,
Irenaeus, Methodius and Hippolytus.
Colophon on f. 314v identifies the date
as Dec. 17th, 1685, and the scribe as
Joseph of Sinope.

654. (old 30). (Greg. 998). Four Gospels. 12th
     cent. (?) 215 f. vellum 38 ft.

20.3 x 14.0 cm.; 1 col. (13.3 x 8.4); 23
Blank paper f. 45-50; 67-72; 169-177.
Colophon on f. 210v identifies the scribe
as Theodoros Hagiopetrites.

726. (old 55). (Greg. 1005). Four Gospels. 14th
     cent. 227 f. vellum 39 ft.

19.9 x 14.5 cm.; 1 col. (14.9 x 10); 26
Headpieces and miniatures: Mt (f. 5v, 6r);
Mk (f. 67v, 70r); Lk (f. lllv, 112r); Jn
(f. 177v, 178r).

[5]728. (old 56). (Greg. 1006). Four Gospels and
     Apocalypse.  11th cent. 226 f. vellum 34 ft.

20.1 x 15.6 cm.; 1 col. (13.8 x 9.7); 26
Unnumbered folios following 58, 142, 160,
191, 199.
Miniatures: Mt (f. lOv); Crucifixion
(f. llv); Mk (f. 58v); Lk (f. 90v); Jn
(f. 142v).

738. (old 66). (Greg. 1010). Four Gospels. 12th
     cent. 187 f. vellum 34 ft.

19.8 x 14.7 cm.; 1 col. (14.9 x 9.8); 25
Later hand, paper f. 96, 153-155. Latin
notations on f. 66r, 187v.
Before each gospel, medallions of the
Evangelists (symbols), by later hand.

771. (old 643). (Greg. 1768). Praxapostolos.
     1519 A.D.  249 f. paper 42 ft.

21.0 x 14.9 cm.; 1 col. (15.0 x 9.0);
24 lines. First 17 folios and last
folios stained.
Colophon on f. 249v identifies the date
as the 15th of October, 1519.

799. (old 9). (Greg. 992). Four Gospels. 12th/
     13th cent. 232 f. vellum 41 ft.

20.2 x 14.1 cm.; 1 col. (13.0 x 8.3); 26
Miniatures: Mt (f. 12v); Mk (f. 72v); Lk
(f. llOv); Jn (f. 173v).

878. (old 826). (Greg. L 681). Liturgical Book.
     1642 A.D. 322 f. paper 54 ft.

19.3 x 15.0 cm.; 1 col. (14.0 x 9.9); 20
lines. Foliator omitted nos. 138, 139,
147; added two no. 234.
Lections from the Apostolo-Evangelion;
Euchologion, Akolouthiai, Heothina.
Colophon on f. 324v identifies the pro-
venance as the village of Monolithos on
Rhodes and the date of completion as
May 6, 1642.

928. (old 59). (Greg. 1007). Four Gospels. 12th
     cent. 254 f. vellum 44 ft.

19.5 x 14.8 cm.; 1 col. (14.3 x 9.4); 24
lines. Foliator skips nos. 243-282.
With selections from Cosmos Indicopleustes.

945. (old 61). (Greg. 1008). Four Gospels. 13th
     cent. 145 f. vellum 26 ft.

18.5 x 14.2 cm.; 2 cols. (13.1 x 4.9, total
10.2); 34 lines. Folio following f. 80
Miniatures: Mt (f. llr); Mk (f. 51r); Lk
(f. 78r); Jn (f. 117r).

972. (old 63). (Greg. 1009). Four Gospels. 12th/
     13th cent. 230 f. vellum 41 ft.

18.1 x 14.0 cm.; 1 col. (13.6 x 9.0); 23
lines. f. 1, paper.
Colophon on f. 230v identifies the date

992. (old 67). (Greg. 1011). Four Gospels.
     1263 A.D. 151 f. vellum 22 ft.

17.4 x 11.9 cm.; 1 col. (12. x 7.8);
34 lines. Mo. 6 omitted; two no. 29,
folio unnumbered after f. 61.
Paper f: 1, 2, 19, 20, 22-29, 30-48
by later hand.
Colophon on f. 121r specifies date 1245;
on f. 150r, 1263 A.D.

1031. (old 72). (Greg. 1014). Four Gospels. 11th
     cent. 289 f. vellum 47 ft.

17.5 x 13.2 cm.; 1 col. (11.8 x 8.5); 18-
22 lines.
Unnumbered folio following f. 96.
Back coverguard is a page from an eccle-
siastical ms.

1033. (old 69). (Greg. 1013). Four Gospels. llth-
     12th cent. 297 f. vellum 43 ft.

16.1 x 13.3 cm.; 1 col. (10.6 x 8.5); 18
lines. Two no. 62, 226.
Colophon on f. 86 gives a date of 1257 by
later hand.

1063. (old 68). (Greg. 1012). Four Gospels.   11th
     cent. 239 f. vellum 37 ft.

15.9 x 11.9 cm.; 1 col. (10.1 x 7.4); 22
Unnumbered folios following f. 52 and 157.

1267. (old 608). (Greg. 1023). Four Gospels.
     1338 A.D. .271 f. paper 39 ft.

14.8 x 10.8 cm.; 1 col. (10.9 x 7.1);
20 lines. Colophon on f. 267v identifies the scribe
as Nicolaos and the date 1338.
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