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Released: Oct 25 2005Croatia  | Croatia Confirms H5 Avian Influenza  
HR5014 Highlight: On October 19, the Croatian Veterinary authorities detected the avian influenza virus H5 in six dead swans found at the Grudnjak fish-breeding farm. The virus samples have been sent to the reference laboratory for avian influenza in Weybridge, Great Britain to identify the virus strain. Until the results are known, Croatia has banned all garden chicken sales and wild bird hunting; is requiring mandatory housing of all poultry; and is maintaining more stringent hygienic and bio-safety measures on all poultry production facilities including more stringent disinfection measures for transportation vehicles. This weekend Croatian veterinary authorities destroyed 10,000 poultry at the Grudnjak fish-breeding farm with total estimated damages at around $162,946. Poultry export trade losses are estimated at $750,000 per month. Poultry production is one of the few sectors where Croatia enjoys a trade surplus. View the Acrobat version | View/Download the MS Word version
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