Congresswoman Gwen Moore - Representing Wisconsin's 4th Congressional District Press Release
For Immediate Release
October 14,2008
  Contact: Derrick L. Plummer
(202) 225-4572

Statement of Congresswoman Gwen Moore Regarding Paid Sick Days 


MILWAUKEE, WI - Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore released the following statement regarding paid sick days.

“About half of all workers nationwide have no paid sick days.  So when they get sick, they often cannot afford to miss work and they drag themselves in anyway, infecting other coworkers who in turn spread it to others.  When their children fall ill, again they cannot afford to miss work so they send their sick children to day care where they infect others’ children who spread illness to their parents.  But don’t think that this is solely a public health problem, because it’s not: it’s an economic one.  Because in both cases, the illnesses not only end up infecting more people in our workplaces, but they can last longer in kids and parents because the infected individuals don’t get a chance to recover. This all drives up medical costs. 

And when, God forbid, a worker, child, or spouse falls gravely ill or is seriously injured, that worker has no choice but to immediately seek medical help or take the loved one to the doctor or hospital.  Absenteeism occurs.  And when they miss work, many end up losing their jobs, creating turnover which imposes additional costs on business as well.”

“No paid sick days is a lose-lose situation for all concerned, particularly the 47% of workers in Milwaukee and their employers who currently suffer additional costs as a result.  A sensible, well-designed paid sick days policy could benefit our entire community.”


For an interview with Congresswoman Gwen Moore, please contact Derrick Plummer at 202-225-4572.

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