Congresswoman Gwen Moore - Representing Wisconsin's 4th Congressional District Press Release
For Immediate Release
November 8, 2008
  Contact: Derrick L. Plummer
(202) 225-4572
Congresswoman Gwen Moore Helps Commission the Navy’s newest state-of-the-art ship
The USS Freedom

MILWAUKEE, WI - Today, Congresswoman Gwen Moore participated in the commissioning of the Navy’s newest state-of-the-art vessel the USS Freedom (LCS 1).  This newest addition to the Navy’s fleet was constructed entirely in Marinette, Wisconsin with key components proudly constructed by DRS Technologies of Milwaukee and other southeastern Wisconsin manufacturers. 

The Navy's selection of Milwaukee's downtown waterfront at Veterans Park as the commissioning site for the USS Freedom came after strong lobbying by Congresswoman Gwen Moore.

"I am proud to be a part of this memorable and historic occasion,” said Congresswoman Moore.  “The Navy’s selection of Wisconsin to be one of only two states to construct their next generation high-tech ship is a testament to Wisconsin’s world-class manufacturers and innovative workforce."

The USS Freedom is the first-of-its-kind ship capable of defeating anti-access and asymmetric threats along waters close into shore, where the Navy’s options are currently limited.  This new ship will transform naval operations and give the Navy a new tool in its mission to maintain, train and equip combat-ready Naval forces capable of defeating opponents, deterring aggression and maintaining freedom of the seas.

USS Freedom is one of the next generation of ships the Navy has commissioned to address the growing needs of the 21st century.  The new ship will be used within 200 miles of shorelines to counteract submarines, mines and other threats.  The versatility and speed of Freedom are two of the key components the Navy sought in its next generation vessels.  The ship is capable of quickly converting from a combat role to a humanitarian one, a vital characteristic for current and future missions. 

"The fact that this state-of-the-art ship was built right here in Wisconsin says a lot about our state and its citizens,” said Congresswoman Moore.  “I am honored by the selection of Milwaukee for the USS Freedom’s commissioning and I look forward to our workers’ continued involvement in this project."


For an interview with Congresswoman Gwen Moore, please contact Derrick Plummer at 202-225-4572.

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