Best Moves in a Bad Economy

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Best Moves in a Bad Economy

How Did We Get Here?

What happened to the economy? Find out the specifics of how each event happened, and how they led up to the biggest market meltdown since the Great Depression.
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the Subprime Mortgage Mess
Find out how Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have avoided the subprime mortgage mess.
What Exactly Is the Government Billion Dollar Mortgage Bailout?
What exactly is the government billion dollar mortgage bailout of the financial and housing industry? How did it happen, and what exactly does it encompass?
Federal Intervention in the Banking Crisis
What steps have been taken to avoid the crisis and why it happened anyway.
How the Government Mortgage Bailout Affects the U.S. Economy and You
How the largest government bailout in history affects the U.S. Economy and what it means to you.
Did Fannie and Freddie Cause Mortgage Crisis
Did Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac alone cause the mortgage crisis?
Could the Mortgage Crisis and Bailout Have Been Prevented?
The current mortgage crisis and bailout could have been prevented a year ago if the government had responded quickly enough to the signs.
Subprime Mortgage Lenders - Why are Subprime Mortgage Lenders Crashing
The effect of subprime mortgage loans and subprime lenders on real estate. What are subprime loans? How does the crash of the subprime lending market affect borrowers?
No One is Happy about it but We Need a Financial Bailout to Restore Co
The uncertain economy in this financial crisis makes for a more environment for investors. Concern about the financial crisis is a problem.
Bank Bailout Bill Alternatives
The pro's and con's of alternatives to the Senate Bank Bailout Bill.
Should Banks Be Allowed to Fail?
Should Banks Be Allowed to Fail?
How You are Hurt by the Credit Crisis
The credit crisis can hurt even those who are already debt free and have substantial assets. This article explains the credit crisis and how your investments are influenced by what happens on Wall Street even if you are on main street.
Failed Institution Protection
Sometimes financial institutions fail. If your money - a savings account, 401k, or investment account - is with a failed firm, you might wonder if it’s safe. Will you lose everything? For most people, the answer is no. Let’s look at the safeguards in place to protect your money when a financial institution fails.
Examine the Roots of Overspending
To fight your tendency to spend more money than you should, you need to understand the root causes of overspending.
Recession? Depression?
Article gives a common sense and easy to understand answer to the question "How can I tell the difference between a recession and a depression?"
Peer to Peer Lending Overview
Peer to peer lending allows you to skip the bank and borrow from individuals. You can borrow from complete strangers or just use peer to peer lending services to structure loans between friends and family. This page covers how peer to peer lending works, the major services, and how you can take advantage of it.

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Best Moves in a Bad Economy

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