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USGS Commercial Data Purchases (UCDP) Imagery

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San Diego, CA

QuickBird-2 (DigitalGlobe Inc)
San Diego, CA

Galveston, TX

IKONOS-2 (Space Imaging Inc.)
Galveston, TX

Anchorage, AK

OrbView-3 (ORBIMAGE Inc.)
Anchorage, AK

Product Description

USGS Commercial Data Purchases (UCDP) Imagery

The UCDP Imagery Collection consists of imagery from several commercial vendors. The UCDP imagery is located at the USGS Center for Earth Resources Observation & Science (EROS) and supports the Commercial Remote Sensing Space Policy (CRSSP) by providing data to qualified users, primarily U.S. Federal agencies, at no cost.

Commercial vendor licensing may restrict access to imagery, and license restrictions may vary for each individual image. However, users have the option to request license upgrades for imagery not currently licensed for their Federal agency.

Copies of the imagery can be downloaded from EarthExplorer. The only processing parameters available for the imagery are those from the original purchase. (e.g., If an IKONOS image was originally purchased as a "Standard Ortho" product, UTM projection, WGS84 datum, with GeoTiff format, those are the only parameters available.)

Current USGS Commercial Data Purchases (UCDP) imagery


Since its launch in September 1999, GeoEye's (aka Space Imaging) Space Imaging's IKONOS earth imaging satellite has provided a reliable stream of image data that has become the standard for commercial high-resolution satellite data products. IKONOS produces one-meter black-and-white (panchromatic) and four-meter multispectral (red, blue, green, near infrared) imagery that can be combined to accommodate a wide range of high-resolution imagery applications.


GeoEye's (aka ORBIMAGE's) OrbView-3 satellite is among the world's first commercial satellites to provide high-resolution imagery from space. OrbView-3 produces one-meter resolution panchromatic imagery and four-meter resolution multispectral imagery. One-meter panchromatic imagery enables the viewing of houses, automobiles, and aircraft, and creates highly precise digital maps and three-dimensional fly-through scenes. Four-meter multispectral imagery provides color and infrared information to further characterize cities, rural areas, and undeveloped land from space.


DigitalGlobe's QuickBird satellite is the first in a constellation of spacecraft which DigitalGlobe® is developing that offers highly accurate, commercial high-resolution imagery of Earth. QuickBird's global collection of panchromatic and multispectral imagery is designed to support applications ranging from map publishing, to land and asset management, to insurance risk assessment.

Advanced Wide Field Sensor (AWiFS)

Launched aboard the Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) RESOURCSAT-1 satellite on October 17, 2003, the Advanced Wide Field Sensor (AWiFS) operates in four spectral bands, providing a spatial resolution of 56 m covering a swath of 740 Km a five day revisit time. To cover this wide swath, the AWiFS camera is split into two separate electro-optic modules, AWiFS-A and AWiFS-B. AWiFS imagery is ideal for mapping, urban development, environmental monitoring, agricultural monitoring, land use planning, coastal monitoring, disaster assessment and risk management. Imagery from the satellite is comparative to imagery from the Landsat satellites.


Operating at an altitude of 496 kilometers, Digital Globe's WorldView-1 has an average revisit time of 1.7 days and is capable of collecting up to 750,000 square kilometers (290,000 square miles) per day of half-meter imagery. The satellite is also equipped with state-of-the-art geolocation accuracy capabilities and exhibits stunning agility with rapid targeting and efficient in-track stereo collection. WorldView was launched September of 2007.

GeoEye: IKONOS and OrbView Imagery Sources:

Digital Globe: QuickBird and WorldView-1:

Basic Satellite Imagery

Standard Satellite Imagery

Orthorectified Satellite Imagery

Basic Stereo Pair Imagery

Advanced Wide Field Sensor (AWiFS) Product info:

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Search & Download

All USGS Commercial Data Purchase (UCDP) imagery currently available from EROS may be searched and downloaded online at EarthExplorer. Note: To search or download UCDP imagery, you must register on EarthExplorer. Please identify the U.S. federal agency you are with. If interested in downloading imagery (after registering), please complete and return the U.S. Federal User Certification form (.pdf) along with your EarthExplorer registered username to Customer Services. Customer Services will set up your EarthExplorer profile to allow for ordering online.

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