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NASA Landsat Data Collection (NLDC)

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Rondonia, Brazil Image

Landsat 5 TM scene
(Rondonia, Brazil)

Product Description

The NASA Landsat Data Collection (NLDC) consists of selected Multispectral Scanner (MSS) and Thematic Mapper (TM) scenes that have been acquired by NASA investigators for use in a variety of projects. The Landsat scenes date from 1975 to present.

All scenes have been preselected for optimum cloud cover and band quality, and are processed to Level 1 (systematic processing with geometric and radiometric corrections applied). Specific processing parameters such as projection, resampling method, pixel and cell size will vary according to investigator specifications at the time of the original data purchase. Depending on the source, NLDC will be available in NDF, FAST, EDIPS, or CCTX format. Distributed on 8-mm tape only.

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Pricing is yet to be determined by USGS. Please contact Customer Services for more information. Status maps can be found at NASA Landsat Data Collection.

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