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Nebraska office of USDA-NASS

About Us

The Nebraska field office of USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) is located in the Robert Denney Federal Building , 100 Centennial Mall North, Lincoln , Nebraska . Its primary purpose is to provide timely, accurate, and useful statistics in service to U.S. and Nebraska agriculture. The Nebraska field office collects and analyzes data from Nebraska farmers, ranchers, and agribusinesses. Results of these efforts are provided to USDA's Agricultural Statistics Board. This information along with similar information from other states are combined and analyzed at the national level in Washington , D.C. Results are published in over 400 national reports released on a predetermined schedule each year.

Information on crops, livestock, economics, demographics and environmental indicators are reported and updated on a regular basis. Crop production is forecast on many crops during critical reproductive stages of development. Actual crop production is estimated and published once crops have been harvested. Stocks of grains and oilseeds are estimated on a quarterly basis. The stocks of grains and oilseeds can be combined with production to provide critical supply information. Similarly, livestock inventories, slaughter, and cold storage stocks are reported on a regular basis to provide the basic supply information. This supply information is vital to the whole agricultural complex because it creates a level playing field with unbiased information released to everyone at the same time.

Periodic updates of economic information are critical in the development of agricultural policy and in forecasting of future price trends. Environmental indicators, such as chemical usage, are utilized by scientists to make critical decisions on pesticide registration and approval. Also, once every five years the Census of Agricultural is taken to provide consistent, comprehensive agricultural and demographic information at the county level across this nation.

One of the services this office provides to Nebraska agriculturalists is to combine recently released official statistics about our state, surrounding states, and national totals in a twice monthly release titled Nebraska Agri-Facts . Another Nebraska release is the Crop Progress and Condition published weekly from early spring until harvest is wrapped up in the fall. Cattle Feeders' News, a monthly publication, consolidates the national Cattle on Feed report. Paper or internet subscriptions are available for the Nebraska releases. Of course, all of the data can be accessed directly from national publications or from the Quick Stats: Agricultural Statistics Data Base . This database contains a complete history, since official estimates began, for most items.

Another service provided is assistance in locating published data and providing an explanation of the data source. With the extensive amount of data available, it is often necessary to consult with one of our agricultural statisticians. Please feel free to contact our office if you are having problems finding appropriate information.

The Nebraska farmers and ranchers are thanked for their continued voluntary participation in the many surveys conducted each year. Also thanked are the dedicated personnel tabulating and publishing the statistics for Nebraska agriculture. Included in this group are the field and office enumerators who work directly with producers to accurately record the data.




Joe Parsons



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