[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 7, Volume 1]
[Revised as of January 1, 2005]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 7CFR1b.3]

[Page 100-101]
                          TITLE 7--AGRICULTURE
Sec. 1b.3  Categorical exclusions.

    (a) The following are categories of activities which have been 
determined not to have a significant individual or cumulative effect on 
the human environment and are excluded from the preparation of 
environmental assessment (EA's) or environmental impact statement 
(EIS's), unless individual agency procedures prescribed otherwise.
    (1) Policy development, planning and implementation which relate to 
routine activities, such as personnel, organizational changes, or 
similar administrative functions;
    (2) Activities which deal solely with the funding of programs, such 
as program budget proposals, disbursements, and transfer or 
reprogramming of funds;
    (3) Inventories, research activities, and studies, such as resource 
inventories and routine data collection when such actions are clearly 
limited in context and intensity;
    (4) Educational and informational programs and activities;
    (5) Civil and criminal law enforcement and investigative activities;

[[Page 101]]

    (6) Activities which are advisory and consultative to other agencies 
and public and private entities, such as legal counselling and 
    (7) Activities related to trade representation and market 
development activities abroad.
    (b) Agencies will identify in their own procedures the activities 
which normally would not require an environmental assessment or 
environmental impact statement.
    (c) Notwithstanding the exclusions listed in paragraphs (a) of this 
section and Sec. 1b.4, or identified in agency procedures, agency heads 
may determine that circumstances dictate the need for preparation of an 
EA or EIS for a particular action. Agencies shall continue to scrutinize 
their activities to determine continued eligibility for categorical 

[48 FR 11403, Mar. 18, 1983, as amended at 60 FR 66481, Dec. 22, 1995]