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U.S. Geological Survey Manual

SM 445-2-H CHAPTER 13

Collateral Duty Safety and Occupational Health Program Coordinator

1.  Purpose. To specify the minimum Occupational Safety and Health Program (Program) requirements for establishing and maintaining appropriate Department of the Interior (Department or DOI) and U.S. Geological Survey (Bureau or USGS) Collateral Duty Safety and Occupational Health Officer (CDSHO) resources. The USGS title for individuals performing collateral duty safety and occupational health functions is Collateral Duty Safety Program Coordinator (CDSPC).

2.  References.

A.  29 CFR 1960.25, Qualifications of Safety and Health Inspectors and Agency Inspections.

B.  29 CFR 1960.58, Training of Collateral Duty Safety Program Coordinator and Health Personnel and Committee Members.

C.  485 DM, Chapter 1, Authority, Purpose, and Policy.

D.  485 DM, Chapter 11, Staffing Safety and Health Positions.

E.  485 DM, Chapter 13, Safety and Health Training.

3.  Requirements.

A.  The USGS will establish and maintain a staff of safety and occupational health professionals, both on a full-time and collateral-duty basis, at appropriate levels, to advise management in the development and implementation of an effective safety and occupational health program.

B.  The USGS will develop and maintain a written CDSPC program sufficient to satisfy the requirements and intent of applicable Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Departmental requirements as identified in the references cited in Section 2 of this chapter.

C.  The CDSPCs will devote a minimum of 10 percent of duty time to occupational safety and health program responsibilities; however, if local safety and health program needs require additional time to achieve compliance, managers must ensure that CDSPCs are authorized the necessary duty time for that purpose.

D.  Qualifications.

(1)  The CDSPCs will be adequately equipped and competent to recognize and evaluate hazards of the working environment and to suggest general abatement procedures.  In this case, competent is defined as possessing the skills, knowledge, experience, and judgment to perform assigned tasks or activities satisfactorily, as determined by the organization. Experience and/or up-to-date training in occupational safety and health hazard recognition and evaluation should be considered in meeting this requirement.

(2)  Training.

(a) All newly appointed CDSPCs shall complete, within 90 days of appointment, the following modules, available through the DOI Learning Management System, to meet the safety and health orientation training requirements:

(i)    DOI Safety and Occupational Health Overview.

(ii)    Authorities, Roles and Responsibilities.

(iii)   Resources, References and Standards.

(iv)  USGS Safety and Health Program Overview.

(v)    USGS Introduction to the Safe Behavior Process.

(vi)  USGS Safety Program Requirements.

(vii) USGS Industrial Hygiene Program.

(b)  Within 6 months of appointment, the CDSPC will be provided training that includes the Department and USGS occupational safety and health programs, Section 19 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, Executive Order 12196, and 29 CFR 1960; procedures for reporting, evaluating, and abatement of hazards; procedures for reporting and investigating allegations of reprisal; the recognition of hazardous conditions and environments; identification and use of occupational safety and health standards; and other appropriate rules and regulations.  This training may be met by taking online courses available through the DOI Learning Management System.

(c)  CDSPCs will also be trained in the basic elements of organizing, planning, and managing an effective safety and health program. An exception is when the CDSPC has had the required training within the last 3 years.

(d)  CDSPCs will complete a minimum of 16 hours of annual training after the first year of appointment.  See the Department of the Interior Safety and Health Training, Technical Skills and Abilities for Collateral Duty and Full Time Safety Personnel Handbook, Appendix A, “Safety and Occupational Health Program Training Topics and Resources,” for recommended training and resources that meet the intent of this requirement. 

E.  CDSPC Certification. The USGS has established a voluntary certification program for CDSPCs as detailed in the Department of the Interior Safety and Health Training, Technical Skills and Abilities for Collateral Duty and Full Time Safety Personnel Handbook.  To receive official USGS certification, CDSPCs may submit transcripts of training documentation to the Bureau Safety and Health Management Branch.

F.  Position Description. CDSPC position descriptions will appropriately describe assigned duties.  A list of duties and associated knowledge, skills, and abilities are detailed within the Department of the Interior Safety and Health Training, Technical Skills and Abilities for Collateral Duty and Full Time Safety Personnel Handbook.

G.  Equipment and Resources. CDSPCs shall be provided with adequate and appropriate equipment and resources to perform their assigned duties. Minimum equipment availability for the CDSPC to perform his/her duties will vary depending on location and local operations. CDSPCs should consult with their respective regional staff for equipment available for loan; e.g., air and noise monitors, training videos, etc. A list of suggested CDSPC HQ library and reference materials is provided in Appendix 13-1, “CDSPC HQ Suggested Library and Reference Materials.”

/s/ Karen D. Baker                                                                   February 14, 2008
______________________________________                            _______________
Karen D. Baker                                                                       Date
Associate Director for Administrative Policy and Services


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