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U.S. Geological Survey Manual

205.18 - Authority to Approve Information Products


OPR: Geospatial Information Office

Instructions: This is a new Survey Manual chapter.

1. Purpose. This chapter establishes delegations of authority to approve information products for release in U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) publication series (see SM 1100.3 and in outside publications or other related vehicles, in accordance with policies set forth in Fundamental Science Practices (SM 502.1-SM 502.4).

2. Authority. The authority to approve information products for release rests with the Director of the USGS. This Bureau Approval authority (formerly Director's Approval) has been delegated to Regional Directors, who appoint Approving Officials.

3. Policy. USGS information products must be approved by an Approving Official according to the policy and requirements set forth in SM 502.4 prior to publication or release. This chapter specifies Bureau Approval authorities for various USGS information products.

A. Research or Interpretive Information Products. For information products that contain new interpretive material, Bureau Approval authority is delegated to Approving Officials appointed by and in the line authority of the Regional Directors. Approval authority for these products may not be redelegated to the Science Center (Cost Center) Manager or equivalent level. Information products included in this authority are series publications (see SM 1100.3); outside publications, including abstracts (see SM 1100.4); posters, exhibits, and public Web pages; and other information products with new interpretive material that has not been published previously in a USGS series publication or elsewhere.

B. Other Information Products. For information products that do not contain new interpretive material, Bureau Approval authority is delegated (by Regional Directors) to the Science Center level or equivalent. Included in this authority are the following information products: series publications (see SM 1100.3); outside publications, including abstracts (see SM 1100.4); programmatic material, posters, exhibits, and public Web pages; and other information products that contain previously published interpretive information. Products that contain new data but do not contain any interpretation of that material (that is, noninterpretive new material) may also be delegated (by Regional Directors) to the Science Center (Cost Center) Manager or equivalent level.

C. News Releases and Other News-Media-Related Products. News releases, letters to the editor, opinion pieces or op-eds, and other communications disseminated to news media and/or trade press or professional society publications are governed by other specific policies and procedures (see SM 500.5) and require approval by the Bureau Public Affairs Officer in the Office of Communications.

D. Audiovisual Products. The USGS Public Affairs Officer in the Office of Communications approves all audiovisual products intended for public information purposes. These products include videos, motion picture films, compact discs, DVDs, photographs, slides (excludes collections of slides for one-time or limited use as visual accompaniments to speeches or other verbal presentations and briefings given by USGS employees and contractors), animations, public service announcements, and video news features (see SM 500.7).

E. Internal communications. Internal communications are those information products designed solely for USGS employees (one of the four USGS audience types) and include internal newsletters and other products that incorporate the USGS Visual Identity System, such as bookmarks, brochures, and promotional program materials (for example "Vision" statement cards). Internal communications are generally approved by the manager or official in the line authority of the originator. In the same way that products for external audiences in the General Information Products series must be approved at the design and concept stage by the Office of Communications, similar products for the internal audience must be approved at the concept stage by the Internal Communications Officer in the Office of Communications at Headquarters.

F. Briefing or Presentation Materials. If any doubt exists as to the propriety of the content or tone of proposed briefing or presentation materials, or if the materials will be disseminated as an official product to the public (for example, posted on public Web pages or published in a proceedings volume), the materials must receive Bureau Approval, as well as possible additional approval by the USGS Public Affairs Officer (such as in the case of a high-visibility public speech), prior to delivery or release. Approval of all other briefing or presentation materials is delegated to the Science Center (Cost Center) Manager or equivalent level. The presenter has the responsibility to keep the Science Center Manager informed if, at any stage during preparation of the presentation, the information is determined to be of a particularly sensitive nature (see SM 502.4). The Science Center Manager should make the determination whether the material must be approved at a higher level. 

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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA, USA
Contact: APS, Office of Policy and Analysis
Issuing Office: Geospatial Information Office
Last modification: 05-Jun-2006@08:37 (kk)
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