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Marriage Support.com - Coaching, Counseling and skills-training programs
Dr. David Sanford
Counselor, coach, educator, author 800# published articles on marriage and couple relationships Visit Dr. Sanford's Blog
  Free Marriage &
  Relationship Tips
Our Recipe for Successful Relationships
Insight Skills Practice Support
Why Relationship Coaching? Why This Program? Why Dr. Sanford?
Smart Relationship Courses  Couples Workshop
Listen Better Online Lessons & Teleclasses
Learn/review – the essential relationship skills

Current Course:
Listen Better: 1/11/2009 - 2/14/2009
San Miguel de Allende, Mexico Couples Vacation Intensives
Combine positive-breakthrough coaching with Dr. Sanford and
a real couples holiday. Programs in historic, beautiful San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, coastal Maine and the Maine Lake Country.
Dr. Sanford will return to his office practice the week of May 3, 2009. From January 6, 2009 through April 30, 2009, the office in Maine will be closed. During these months I will be working exclusively with individuals and couples using a short-term, solutions-focused approach to relationship coaching. The work will be conducted by telephone, with email support and taping sessions an option.

If you would like to sign up, please write me. Click the Contact tab at the top of this page; then choose "Contact Dr. Sanford" from the drop-down menu.

 Relationship Store

Relationship Articles
Comprehensive collection of 600+ practical articles on marriage and couple relationships

The Pleasures of Good Conversation.
A Playbook for Couples

 Email Newsletter

Living Together
Tips for Couples

 Relationship Tip

Helping Each Other Avoid Responsibility Explanation here.

 Free Email Course

Five Steps to a Successful Relationship
A useful "skills and practice" course –
Written by Dr. David Sanford
One lesson/week in your email
Details and a course outline here.

 Sample Articles

Ten free articles by Dr. Sanford

• Three on coaching
• Three on relationship skills
• Four general articles

Find them all here.

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