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Saint-Gaudens National Historic SiteA participant enjoys a scupting workshop at the park.
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Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site
Things To Do

Guided tours are offered daily and are a great way to learn about Saint-Gaudens, his artwork and the park.

Art Tour (55 minutes) 2:00 p.m.
Join a guided tour through the galleries and the historic areas of the park to learn about Saint-Gaudens' art and his life in Cornish.

Saint-Gaudens’ Home "Aspet" (20 minutes)
10:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 3:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m.
View the first floor of the home, filled with the original family furnishings. None of Saint-Gaudens' work is exhibited in Aspet. Access to Aspet is by guided-tour only. Tours are limited to 12 people each on a first come/first serve basis that day. *Please note: this building is not wheelchair accessible.

Other special tours and programs are given throughout the week. Please check the daily schedule for times and availability.

* Tour From a Sculptor's Viewpoint
* Curator’s Tour
* Augusta Saint-Gaudens
* Historical recreational activities at the site
* Davida Clark, the Sculptor's model

Sculptor-in-Residence  A figurative sculptor, working in the historic Ravine Studio, explains the techniques used by Saint-Gaudens to create the sculptures found in the park.


Several films are shown daily in the Visitor Center auditorium.


An American Original    (28 minutes)    

Shown throughout the day.                        

Saint-Gaudens' life and work. An excellent orientation to the park.


Wax Blood, Bronze Skin (25 minutes)  

12:00 p.m.

Explains "lost wax" bronze casting using film of the 1994 casting of the Park's monument to Admiral Farragut.


Medal Maker  (25 minutes)                       

12:30 p.m.

Sculptor, Laura Gardin Fraser, demonstrates the process creating a medal.


Masque of the Golden Bowl  

(60 minutes)                   

3:30 p.m.

The life and work of Saint-Gaudens, with

re-enacted scenes of his life.


Junior Ranger Program

A Junior Ranger program is available for children. The program may be completed during an average hour and a half visit to the park. When completed, the child will received a 3 in. diameter patch depicting the Diana statue.


Self Guided Touring

Visitors may tour the grounds and galleries on their own. All artwork has interpretive labels and exterior wayside exhibits are located throughout the park and on the nature trails. The house, "Aspet" is the only building where entry is by guided tour only.


Summer Concerts  On Sunday afternoons from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. during July and most of August, the Saint-Gaudens Memorial Trustees sponsor a summer concert series. Concerts take place in the Little Studio and feature classical music ensembles. Concerts are included with paid admission to the site.


Sculpture Workshops

Classes in figurative sculpture are offered annually by the sculptor-in-residence. Workshops are held most Saturday afternoons from 1:00- 4:00 p.m. and are aimed toward beginning and intermediate sculptors. Reservations must be made in advance. Check the schedule of events for dates. A fee is charged for the class. Please call the park at (603) 675-2175 x 106 for more information and to register.


Nature Trails

Two miles of nature trails wind through the park's Blow-Me-Down natural area.


The Ravine Trail (1/4 mile) meanders along Blow-Me-Up Brook and by the swimming hole constructed by Saint-Gaudens. There is a steep slope at each end of this trail, though the main section is fairly level.


The Blow-Me-Down Trail (1-3/4 mile round trip) takes one down to the mill pond and back along the edge of small ravines left by the receding glacial lakes.


The Return Trail section of the Blow-Me-Down Trail (an alternate route back to the lower field) can be steep in sections.


Trails are hilly in places and may be slippery when wet. Visitors should wear sturdy walking shoes. A trail map is available at the visitor center.

Sculptor Bill Williams teaching a sculpture class
Take a sculpture class
Classes are taught by the sculptor-in-residence
Share the Experience photo contest
Learn more about the 2009 federal photo contest
link to the official web page
Augustus Saint-Gaudens re-designed the $20 gold piece in 1907 and it is condered America's most beautiful coin.  

Did You Know?
Augustus Saint-Gaudens was the first sculptor to design an American coin. The $20 gold piece he designed in 1907 at the request of Theodore Roosevelt, is considered this country's most beautiful coin and is called a "Saint-Gaudens" by coin collectors.

Last Updated: September 07, 2008 at 16:20 EST