W3C Web Accessibility Initiative | UAWG Home Page

6-7 March 2003 Face-to-Face Meeting
of the User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working Group

In Cambridge, MA (USA)

ParticipationRegistrationHostsHotelsMealsTransportationAgendaJoining by videoconferenceJoining by telephonePreparation

Nearby: AgendaMinutes


Participation is open to members of W3C/WAI's User Agent Accessibility Guidelines Working Group (UAWG) and to individuals interested in participating in and contributing to the efforts of the Working Group.

Any participants not already members of the UAWG should read the UAWG Charter and the how to join page, and send the requested information to Jon Gunderson, the Working Group Chair.


This face-to-face meeting is being held during the week of W3C's Technical Plenary 2003, from 3-7 March 2003. Please refer to that meeting page for information about registration (and other details).


W3C is hosting the meeting at the Royal Sonesta Hotel in Cambridge, MA (USA).


Royal Sonesta Hotel
Five Cambridge Parkway
Cambridge, MA 02142 USA
Telephone: +1 617 806 4200


Morning breaks, lunch, and afternoon refreshments will be provided. There will likely be a group dinner on 6 March.


See transportation details on the Technical Plenary meeting page.

Agenda (Preliminary -- may change depending on times available for joint sessions)

The following is a proposed agenda for discussion and review. Comments to the UAWG mailing list (w3c-wai-ua@w3.org) are welcome.

Wednesday, 5 March 2003

Thursday, 6 March 2003

Friday, 7 March 2003

Joining by videoconference

We currently do not plan to enable remote participation by video conference.

Joining by telephone

We currently do not plan to enable remote participation by telephone.


Last updated: $Date: 2003/03/06 16:18:46 $ by $Author: ijacobs $