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The following publications are available for purchase directly from SEI.
Please support SEI's mission by ordering directly from us!

Photovoltaics: Design & Installation Manual ($60)
by SEI
Solar Energy International, 2007

An updated and revised textbook manual on how to design, install and maintain a photovoltaic (PV) system. This manual offers an overview of photovoltaic electricity, and a detailed description of PV system components, including PV modules, batteries, controllers and inverters. Electrical loads are also addressed, including lighting systems, refrigeration, water pumping, tools and appliances. The manual includes chapters on sizing photovoltaic systems, analyzing sites and installing PV systems. The manual also includes detailed appendices on PV system maintenance, troubleshooting, and insolation data for over 300 sites around the world. Used as the textbook in SEI's PV Design and Installation Workshop.

Astronaut's Globe ($15)
by The Earthseeds Project
The Earthseeds Project

Inflatable globe toy and great all around teaching tool. Includes: A 16" inflatable globe, a distance scale, a crewmember's guide, educational games & activities, and resources for further exploration.

Biodiesel America ($30)
by Josh Tickell
Yorkshire Press, 2006

How to achieve Energy Security, Free America from Middle-East Oil Dependence and Make Money Growing Fuel. Biodiesel America shows that an abundance of available, economically viable, and profitable energy solutions exist. At the forefront of these new energy technololgies is biodiesel, a fuel that could bring over one million jobs back to rural america, invigorate our economy, and create a stable domestic fuels supply.

Building Without Borders ($30)
by Joseph Kennedy
New Society Publishers, 2004

Solving the global housing crisis has become one of the most urgent imperatives of our time, but doing so without creating problems of ecological degradation and lack of empowerment is a major challenge. Building Without Borders describes the pioneering efforts of those who have taken up this challenge. It surveys projects that are housing the homeless without destroying natural habitats by drawing upon local traditions. The book travels globally and includes contributions from over 30 experienced practitioners.

Chasing the Sun ($19)
by Neville Williams
New Society Publishers, 2005

Chasing the Sun tells of the author's 14 year effort to deliver solar power to the developing world through founding the Solar Electric Light Company which sold, financed, and installed over 50,000 solar home lighting systems.

Clean Energy News: Buying a Solar Electric System DVD ($25)
by Dave Bowden
Sustainable Media Network, 2006

Clean Energy News: Buying a Solar Electric System is a highly targeted tool that answers the most commonly asked questions posed by potential photovoltaic (PV) system buyers. This engaging and informative DVD is guaranteed to simplify sales of residential PV solar electric systems by dealers, integrators and installers across America. This DVD educates prospective customers on the nuts and bolts of buying a PV system by explaining pricing, economics, design considerations and technology of PV systems.

Code Check: Electrical ($17)
by Redwood Kardon, Douglas Hansen, and Mickeal Casey
Taunton Press, 2002

Hundreds of code facts for electrical wring at your fingertips. This book will help to speed up work, reduce code violation callbacks, and avoid accidental violations of unfamiliar electrical codes.

Cooking with the Sun ($10)
by Beth & Dan Halacy
Morning Sun Press, 1992

Cooking with the Sun shows how to harness the sun's energy to cook food. The book describes the history of solar cookers, and presents detailed plans, illustrated with line drawings and photos, for building solar ovens. It also includes plans for a solar reflector "hot plate" cooker that can fry foods and make stovetop meals. There is a chapter on solar cooking tips and necessary cookware, and over 90 delicious solar recipes.

Design of Straw Bale Buildings ($40)
by Bruce King
Green Building Press, 2006

The State of the Art - Structure * Moisture * Insulation * Fire * Acoustics * PLasters * Detailing * Codes and Standards

Earthbag Building ($30)
by Kaki Hunter and Donald Kiffmeyer
New Society Publishers, 2004

Earthbag Building is the first comprehensive guide to all the tools, tricks and techniques for building with bags filled with earth - or earthbags. This enduring tree-free architecture can also be used to create arched and domed structures of great beauty - at home in any region, and in developing countries, or in emergency relief work.

Energy Efficient Building ($15)
by Fine Home Building magazine
Taunton Press, 1999

A collection of 29 articles from Fine Home Building magazine that teach you how to make your home more energy efficient with information on materials and techniques that can make a difference in how much energy is required to make your home comfortable.

Energy for Keeps: Electricity from Renewable Energy ($20)
by Marilyn Nemzer, Deborah Page, Anna Carter
Energy Education Group

Energy for Keeps offers an introduction to renewable energy for everyone who uses electricity - from students to energy policy makers. Technologies covered include Biomass, Geothermal, Hydropower, Ocean, Solar and Wind Power. A CD is included with student activities and other supplementary information.

Greening School Grounds - Creating Habitats for Learning ($17)
by Edited by Tim Grant and Gail Littlejohn
New Society Publishers

There is enormous potential to transform the barren expanses of asphault of most school grounds into exciting natural spaces for playing and learning. Schoolyard "greening" is an excellent way to promote hands-on, interdisiplinary learning about the environment through projects that benefit schools and increase green space and biodiversity in communities.

Heaven's Flame: A Guide to Solar Cookers ($15)
by Joseph Radabaugh
Home Power Publishing, 1998

This fully updated and revised edition includes guidelines, SunStar cooker plans, a history and who's who of solar cooking, tips and tricks for cooking with the sun, plus over 200 photos and illustrations.

Home Energy Diet ($19)
by Paul Scheckel
New Society Publishers

Home Energy Diet helps readers take control of their personal energy use and costs so they can save money, live more comfortably, and help reduce environmental impacts. It also explores the possibility of using renewable energy for meeting home energy needs.

Kill A Watt meter ($40)
by P3 International
P3 International

An electricity usage monitor. This meter allows you to measure how much electricity your appliances comsume and how efficient they really are. You can figure out your electrical expenses by the day, week, month, or year. Perfect for detecting voltage drops and brownout conditions before they damage delicate equipment. The knowledge you gain from a Kill A Watt can save you thousands of dollars!

Microhydro: Clean Power from Water ($23)
by Scott Davis
New Society Publishers, 2004

Highly illustrated and practical, this book is the first complete book on this clean source of electricity in a decade. Covering both AC and DC systems, it covers principles, design and site considerations, equipment options, and legal, environmental, and economic factors.

More Strawbale Building ($33)
by Chris Magwood, Peter Mack, and Tina Therrien
New Society Publishers

More Strawbale Building leads potential builders through the entire process of building a bale structure, tackling all the practical issues: finding and choosing bales; developing sound building plans; roofing; electrical, plumbing and heating systems; building code compliance; and special concern for builders in northern climates.

NEC 2005: National Electrical Code NFPA 70 ($80)
National Fire Protection Association

This is a must for anyone working photovoltaics. This Softbound book gives you the clearest set of rules that govern the electrical industry. It will help you reduce the risk of fire and electrical shock from improper installations, and is loaded with solutions designed to provide better safeguards against hazards. These codes are already adapted in many states and are the industry standard. The book is constructed to hold up to heavy use and to be a staple at a jobsite.

Photovoltaic Systems ($70)
by National Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee for the Electrical Industry
American Technical Publishers, 2007

A comprehensive reference and guide to the installation of residential and commercial photovoltaic (PV) systems.

Renewable Energy With The Experts Videos ($40 each, $170 set of 5)
by Scott Andrews
Scott Andrews, 1996

Five videos on residential electricity. The experts give and demonstrate practical answers to the questions most asked by home owners as they consider the purchase and installation of their own renewable energy system.

  • Solar Electricity with Johnny Weiss
  • Micro-Hydro Power with Don Harris
  • Wind Power with Mick Sagrillo
  • Solar Water Pumping with Windy Dankoff
  • Storage Batteries with Richard Perez

Rural Energy Services ($30)
by Teresa Anderson, Alison Doig, Dai Rees and Smail Khennas
ITDG Publishing, 1999

A book addressing the policy, market and sustainability aspects of defining and selecting technologies that will meet the demands for energy services by rural villages in a sustainable and reliable way.

SEI T-shirt ($20)
by n/a
Solar Energy International

An organic cotton t-shirt with SEI's logo on the front and a multicolored sun on the back.

Solar Hot Water Systems: Lessons Learned ($60)
by Tom Lane
Energy Conservation Services of North Florida, Inc., 2002

This book will help people who want to use currently available solar water heating products with success, and help them avoid the mistakes of the past. This book is aimed at the contractor who wants to know what works successfully, and the homeowner who wants basic facts for comparison shopping. It covers different solar water heating systems, estimating performance and savings, piping, insulation, storage tanks, system monitoring and testing, marketing solar hot water, and a glossary of manufacturers, organizations and training schools around the country.

Solar Pathfinder ($235)
by Solar Pathfinder
Solar Pathfinder

The Solar Pathfinder gives an entire year´s solar potential for a given site in just seconds. This non-electronic instrument is ready-to-use and includes: a printed manual, 20 Sunpath Diagrams (latitude & application specific), angle estimator (for determining altitude and azimuth), white marking pen with extra leads (for marking on the Sunpath diagrams to create permanent records), a rugged tool box specifically designed for the Pathfinder, and a tripod specifically designed for the Pathfinder. These are the same tools that we use in our PV workshops.

Solar Water Heating ($25.00)
by Bob Ramlow and Benjamin Nusz
New Society Publishers, 2006

Solar Water Heating is designed for those who want to install their own solar thermal system. It reviews the history of solar water & space heating systems from prehistory to the present, then presents the basics of solar water heating, including an introduction to modern solar energy systems, energy conservation and energy economics. This book covers the following: types of solar collectors, solar water and space heating systems and solar pool heating systems, system components, installation, operation and maintenance, system sizing and siting.

Teaching About Climate Change - Cool Schools Tackle Global Warming ($13)
by Edited by Tim Grant and Gail Littlejohn
New Society Publishers

Teaching About Climate Change offers a framework for teaching fundamental environmental concepts and a variety of activities that can be undertaken in school, at home, or in the community. Topics include: experiments that demonstrate the greenhouse effect, investigations of greenhouse gas sources and solutions, and hands-on explorations of energy and transportation alternatives.

Teaching Green - The Middle Years ($23)
by Tim Grant and Gail Littlejohn
New Society Publishers

Teaching Green - The Middle Years emphasizes the need to teach young people the skills, knowledge and values of active environmental citizenship and includes 50 kid-tested teaching strategies that promote interdiciplinary hands-on learning about natural systems and foster critical thinking about global issues, both local and global. Designed for grades 6-8.

Teaching Green: The Elementary Years ($23)
by Edited by Tim Grant and Gail Littlejohn
New Society Publishers

Teaching Green - The Elementary Years emphasizes the need to teach young people the skills, knowledge and values of active environmental citizenship and includes 50 kid-tested teaching strategies that promote interdiciplinary hands-on learning about natural systems and foster critical thinking about global issues, both local and global. Designed for grades K-5.

The Art of Natural Building ($27)
by Catharine Wanek, Kennedy & Smith
New Society Publishers, 2002

A complete and user-friendly introduction to natural building. Profusely illustrated, the book covers design and planning issues, natural building materials and techniques, economics, social justice and sustainability. Inspirational case studies from around the world are highlighted.

The Astronaut's Globe ($15)
by Earth Seeds Project
Earth Seeds Project

This inflatable globe includes educational games and activities and resources for further exploration of our planet.

The Hand-Sculpted House ($35)
by Ianto Evans, Michael G. Smith, Linda Smiley
Real Goods Solar Living Book, 2002

This practical and inspiring hands-on guide teaches anyone from a rank beginner to a conventional architect how to design and build a cozy and beautiful cob home. Excellent color photographs and detailed line drawings.

The Homeowner’s Guide to Renewable Energy ($28)
by Dan Chiras
New Society Publishers, 2006

The Homeowner’s Guide to Renewable Energy helps readers understand the sometimes confusing array of renewable energy technologies and techniques. It begins with a discussion of the many ways we can slash energy bills while improving comfort in our homes, and then systematically examines practical energy options available to homeowners including: solar hot water, solar space heat, wood heat, passive cooling, solar electricity, wind-generated electricity, electricity from microhydro power sources and emerging technologies such as hydrogen, fuel cells, methane digesters and biodiesel.

The Humanure Handbook #2 ($20)
by J.C. Jenkins
Chelsea Green, 1999

A one of a kind book that tells you how to safely compost human manure. It includes information on greywater systems, instructions on building your own composting toilet, and resource lists.

The Natural Plaster Book ($30)
by Cedar Rose Guelberth and Dan Chiras
New Society Publishers, 2003

The Natural Plaster Book offers provides detailed information on three natural plasters - earthen, lime, and gypsum - and natural finishes. This well illustrated book features numerous drawings and photos and teaches principles of plastering and plaster techniques and describes the tools necessary for a successful plaster job. The Natural Plaster Book offers invaluable advice on the design and construction of natural homes so they work well with natural plasters in any climate.

The Renewable Energy Handbook for Homeowners ($30)
by William H. Kemp
Hushion House Publishing, 2003

The complete step-by-step guide to making and selling your own power from the sun, wind, and water. Free with an individual membership to SEI!

The Solar Food Dryer ($15)
by Eben Fodor
New Society Publishers, 2005

The Solar Food Dryer describes how to use solar energy to preserve your summer's harvest. With your own solar-powered food dryer, you can quickly and efficently dry all your extra garden veggies, fruits and herbs to keep their goodnes all year long - with free sunshine! The Solar Food Dryer includes: Complete step-by-step plans for building a high performance, low cost solar food dryer from readily available materials, solar energy design concepts, food drying tips and recipies, and more!

The Solar House ($30)
by Daniel D. Chiras
Chelsea Green, 2002

This book provides home builders with all the necessary tools for successful solar design. Dan Chiras explains the principles of natural conditioning - heating and cooling with passive solar techniques.

When the Light Goes On: Understanding Energy ($20)
by Cari Spring with Lisa Stage
Emerald Resource Solutions, 2001

This comprehensible book explains energy, conservation and alternative energy sources. It shows that energy is not difficult to understand. The goal of this book is to help you reduce your energy use by 15% now, and by 50% over the next months and years.

Who Owns the Sun? ($20)
by Daniel M. Berman and John T. O'Connor
Chelsea Green, 1997

A book about people, politics, and the struggle for a solar economy. It explains how democratic control of solar energy is the key to revitalizing America and putting power back into the hands of local people.

Wind Power ($50)
by Paul Gipe
Chelsea Green Publishing Co., 2004

A completely revised and expanded edition of Paul Gipe's definitive 1993 book, Wind Power for Home and Business. In addition to expanded sections on gauging wind resources and siting wind turbines, this edition includes new examples and case studies of successful wind systems, international sources for new and used equipment, and hundreds of color photographs and illustrations. A must for everybody who's involved in the wind energy sector - or wants to be involved in the future.

Wiring a House ($25)
by Rex Cauldwell
Taunton Press, 2002

A reference book on home wiring for homeowners, electricians and apprentices. Updated and revised to include material on home generators, lightning protection and electrical code changes.

Your Green Home ($18)
by Alex Wilson
New Society Publishers, 2006

A Guide to Planning a Healthy, Environmentally Friendly New Home.

Your Solar Home Guidebook - The Art and Science of Heating, Cooling, and Powering Your Home with the Sun ($18)
by The Rahus Institute
A Rahus Institute - Solar Schoolhouse Publication, 2006

7 chapters of solar home orientation and solar thermal and solar electric projects. No grade level is assigned to this book as the idea is that it can be used for all ages. This is a great resource for hands-on solar projects in the classroom.

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  • Email the form to sei@solarenergy.org or FAX the form to us at 970-963-8866
  • Or, you may call us at 970-963-8855 (9am - 5pm Mountain Time, Monday - Friday)
  • Or, mail the form (with a check if you do not want to use a credit card) to:
    Solar Energy International
    PO Box 715
    Carbondale, CO 81623

PO Box 715 • 76 S. 2nd St. • Carbondale, CO 81623 • 970-963-8855 • fax: 970-963-8866 • sei@solarenergy.org