Pest Tracker
National Agricultural Pest Information System
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North Dakota

Contact Information
  • Nelson, David - State Plant Regulatory Official (701-328-4765)
  • Serves on the National Plant Board, oversees state level pest detection and regulatory activities and coordinates survey activities between government agencies, public and private sector organizations. Also coordinates the state's initial emergency response if an exotic pest is detected.

  • Mars, Gwen - State Survey Coordinator (701-239-7295)
  • Coordinates annual survey planning, execution and reporting as well as community outreach activities.

  • Hirsch, Dave - State Plant Health Director (701-250-4473)
  • Directs federal APHIS-PPQ pest detection and regulatory activities in cooperation with state officials, and coordinate the initial PPQ emergency response if an exotic pest is detected in the state.

  • Rayda, Margaret - Pest Survey Specialist (701-250-4473)
  • Provides technical support to the SSC in planning, executing and reporting annual surveys and coordinates pest detection activities with neighboring states.

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2007-10-27       Soybean Rust Comes Close to Dakotas Pest Info

Great Plains Diagnostic Network
Introduction to Rangeland Weeds
North Dakota State Facts
North Dakota Department of Agriculture
Cooperative Extension Service
Noxious Weeds Division
Weed Control
Department of Plant Pathology
North Dakota State Government

CAPS 2008 Survey Targets
Common Name Scientific Name Options
Asian Longhorned Beetle Anoplophora glabripennis Pest Info | NAPIS Map | APHIS-PPQ Page
Australasian Soybean Rust Phakopsora pachyrhizi Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Bamboo Borer Longhorned Beetle Chlorophorus annularis Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Bean Pod Mottle Bean Pod Mottle Virus (BPMV) Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Black Spruce Long-horn Beetle Tetropium castaneum Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Black Stem Rust Puccinia graminis Pest Info | NAPIS Map | APHIS-PPQ Page
British Root-knot Nematode Meloidogyne artiellia Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Brown Spruce Longhorned Beetle Tetropium fuscum Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Cerambycid Beetles Family Cerambycidae Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Chinese Longhorned Beetle Hesperophanes (trichoferus) campestris Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Citrus Longhorned Beetle Anoplophora chinensis Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Columbian Root-knot Nematode Meloidogyne chitwoodi Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Corn Cyst Nematode (CCN) Heterodera zeae Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Emerald Ash Borer Agrilus planipennis Pest Info | NAPIS Map | APHIS-PPQ Page
Eur. Hardwood Ambrosia Beetle Trypodendron domesticum Pest Info | NAPIS Map
European Woodwasp Sirex noctilio Pest Info | NAPIS Map | APHIS-PPQ Page
False Columbia Root-knot Nema. Meloidogyne fallax Pest Info | NAPIS Map
False Root-knot Nematode Nacobbus aberrans Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Flathead; Metallic Wood Borers Family Buprestidae Pest Info
Golden Nematode Globodera rostochiensis Pest Info | NAPIS Map | APHIS-PPQ Page
Golden Twin Spot Tomato Looper Chrysodeixis chalcites Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Horntails Family Siricidae Pest Info
Japanese Cedar Longhorn Beetle Callidiellum rufipenne Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Japanese Pine Saywer Beetle Monochamus alternatus Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Javanese Root-knot Nematode Meloidogyne javanica Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Lesser Pine Shoot Beetle Tomicus minor Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Lesser Spruce Shoot Beetle Hylurgops palliatus Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Med. Cereal Cyst Nematode Heterodera latipons Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Mediterranean Pine Engraver Orthotomicus erosus Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Northern Root-knot Nematode Meloidogyne hapla Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Oat Cyst Nematode Heterodera avenae Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Old World Bollworm Helicoverpa armigera Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Pea Cyst Nematode Heterodera goettingiana Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Pine Shoot Beetle (Psb) Tomicus piniperda Pest Info | NAPIS Map | APHIS-PPQ Page
Potato Rot Nematode Ditylenchus destructor Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Redhaired Pine Bark Beetle Hylurgus ligniperda Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Scolytid Beetle Xyleborus sp./spp. Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Silver-y Moth Autographa gamma Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Sixtoothed Bark Beetle Ips sexdentatus Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Sixtoothed Spruce Bark Beetle Pityogenes chalcographus Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Soybean Cyst Nematode (Scn) Heterodera glycines Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Soybean Mosaic Soybean Mosaic Virus (SMV) Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Soybean Purple Seed-stain Cercospora kikuchii Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Spruce Bark Beetle Ips typographus Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Sugarbeet Cyst Nematode Heterodera schachtii Pest Info | NAPIS Map
Summer Fruit Tortrix Adoxophyes orana Pest Info | NAPIS Map
White Potato-cyst Nematode Globodera pallida Pest Info | NAPIS Map | APHIS-PPQ Page