United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Don't Miss SARE's 20th!

happy SARE 20th party imageMark your calendar for March 25-27, 2008, when SARE celebrates its 20th anniversary with a national conference and networking event in Kansas City, Missouri.

Please plan to join SARE and its many partners in March 2008 at its next national conference to learn the latest about how we are forging an agriculture that is profitable, environmentally sound, and good for people and communities.

* Celebrate successes experienced by SARE and its partners in the sustainable agriculture community
* Foster a productive dialog between producers, agricultural educators, and agency representatives
* Distill, clarify, and communicate SARE's guiding values and vision

2008 marks SARE's 20th year of advancing a more sustainable agriculture through a nationwide competitive grants program.  SARE stays in touch with the needs of farmers and ranchers through its strong regional programs in the North Central, Northeast, Southern and Western regions.  The conference will be the 6th in SARE's biennial series.
Your contact is Sean McGovern, Sustainable Agriculture Network, at 614/306-6422.

About SARE
Since 1988, SARE has helped advance farming systems that are profitable, environmentally sound and good for communities through a nationwide grants program.  The program, administered by  CSREES and USDA, funds projects and conducts outreach designed to improve agricultural systems and natural resources.

SARE West  Region SARE North Central Region SARE South Region SARE Northeast Region map of SARE regions

NRCS field office professionals frequently collaborate on SARE-funded projects and are valuable partners to the SARE program.  NRCS staff serve on SARE’s national Operations Committee, on regional Administrative Councils, on State committees and are actively engaged as technical advisers and collaborators on SARE-funded research grants around the U.S.

For more information, visit the SARE website or for more information about the regional SARE programs, click on the region area of the map below.
Your contact is Diana Friedman, SARE research associate, at 301-504-6422.