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Michele's Garden
Master Gardener Program

Who Can Apply | Volunteering | What does it cost | How to Enroll
How to Become a Master Gardener

What is the Master Gardener Program?
Master Gardeners are trained volunteers who aid University of Alaska Cooperative Extension Service staff by helping people in the community better understand horticulture and their environment.

The class consists of 40 hours of instruction on different areas of horticulture and pest management. The payback of volunteer time is set at 40 hours, which equals the hours of training received.

Who can apply?
Anyone who:
  • Enjoys any type of gardening
  • Desires to teach others to garden
Master Gardeners assist me in reaching Alaskans with gardening information by: Shoveling
  • Visiting garden sites
  • Working in information booths at community
    events and malls
  • Maintaining demonstration gardens
  • Teaching horticulture to beginning gardeners
  • Using special talents, such as writing,
    photography and drawing, to benefit others
  • Exploring environmental options
  • Helping to plant educational gardens

How to become a Master Gardener?
GardenYou become a Master Gardener by attending 40 hours of the Master Gardener classes and then giving back 40 hours of volunteer time. The class schedule can be viewed by clicking here. Topics include: Botany, Entomology, Flower gardening, Fruit and vegetable gardening, Lawn care, Organic gardening, Pesticide use and safety, Plant pathology, Soils and fertilizers, Tree and shrub care, Volunteerism.

What does it cost?
The cost of training Master Gardeners varies. A fee is charged to cover the cost of the supplies and literature used in training. These materials are the Master Gardener�s to keep. Email me for cost information.


How to enroll?
To get on the class mailing list send your name and mailing address and phone number to ffmah@uaf.edu

University of Alaska Fairbanks, PO Box 756080, Fairbanks, AK 99775
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