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Garden Math

Last Updated: March 26, 2008 Related resource areas: Gardens, Lawns & Landscapes

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Math in the garden? As Bruce Spangenburg, University of Illinois Horticulture Extension educator discusses, "Planning for planting, fertilizing, mulching, and pest control all involve some math, yet it is often overlooked." Read more in his article:

Garden Arithmetic

Math may frequently come into play in a gardener's daily chores. The first resource listed below is a gardener's cheat sheet of equivalents useful for converting one unit of measure to another. The second one is helpful for teaching some of the most common garden math problems.

Garden Calculators

When you have the luxury of a computer nearby, the following garden calculators can help you arrive at your answer quickly.

  • Garden Arithmetic Calculators (Dennis White, Professor, School of Mathematics, University of Minnesota). Contains fertilizer, number of plants, and soil amendment calculators.

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