Master Gardener Program

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What is an Extension Master Gardener?

Extension Master Gardeners are trained volunteers who share their enthusiasm for gardening with the general public. By serving as volunteer educators in their communities, Master Gardeners help UNH Cooperative Extension programs reach more people.  An Extension Master Gardener is:

A Volunteer willing to work on horticultural projects that extend the outreach capabilities of UNH Cooperative Extension and can contribute at least 45 hours of volunteer service in Extension-approved activities in the 12-month period following training.

  • A Gardener with interest, experience and knowledge of any type of gardening.
  • A Teacher eager to share gardening knowledge and experience with others.
  • A Student curious to learn scientifically-based gardening information.

This is a volunteer program, and is not for professional advancement or commercial advertising.

Candidates must be available for training and volunteer commitment during the week.

UNH Cooperative Extension's Master Gardener program was initiated in 1993.  Over 500  Master Gardener volunteers have completed training and  provided thousands of volunteer hours to serve communities through a variety of activities coordinated through their local county Extension office. Some examples of activities are listed below:

  • Created and maintained demonstration gardens.
  • Gardened with the elderly and physically challenged.
  • Worked at county fairs and plant clinics.
  • Conducted gardening projects with low-income youth with Nutrition Connections.
  • Wrote gardening articles for local newspapers.
  • Conducted school gardening programs.
  • Gave talks to groups interested in horticulture.
  • Presented 4-H demonstrations.
  • Worked on special events projects.
  • Planned and completed community beautification projects.
  • Developed educational fact sheets.
  • Created and maintained historic garden restorations.
  • Produced slide programs.
  • Designed brochures.
  • Designed and maintained community and school landscapes.
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How are Master Gardeners trained?

Accepted applicants  will complete up to 84 hours of intensive training through classroom instruction, labs and field work.  Instructors include experts from UNH faculty, Master Gardeners and commercial business owners.   Upon completion of training, interns volunteer 45 hours in one of two Master Gardener Programs to become a Master Gardener.

  1. The County-based Master Gardener Program.  Interns volunteer in their respective county-based community educational or horticultural projects.
  2. The Manchester-based Family, Home & Garden Education Center Information Line.  Interns volunteer to staff the toll-free Info Line to respond to a variety of questions related to home and gardening issues.

The Spring 2009 class will be held at the Hillsborough County Office in Goffstown NH on Tuesdays from February 3, 2009-April 28,2009.

The program costs $175.00 (limited scholarships are available based on demonstrated need) and includes: The New Hampshire Master Gardener Handbook, an excellent reference manual and  up to 135 hours of classroom, lab and hands-on training.  Topics covered include:

  • Master Gardener Program/UNH Cooperative Extension
  • Botany
  • Soils and Fertilizers
  • Basic Entomology
  • Pesticide Use and Safety
  • Plant Propagation
  • Home Vegetable Gardening
  • Composting
  • Tree Fruits and Berries
  • Woody Ornamentals
  • Lawn Care
  • Houseplants
  • Plant Pathology
  • Landscape Design
  • Annuals
  • Perennials
  • Organic Practices
  • Food Preservation
  • Food Safety
  • Backyard Wildlife
  • Backyard Livestock
  • Water Quality,
  • Invasive Species,
  • Urban Pest Control
  • Urban Tree Problems
  • New Insects in NH
  • Forest Entomology
  • Pond Management
  • Mold and Mildew
  • Nuisance Wildlife
  • An overview of family and youth development programs and more!
  • Master Gardener Program/UNH Cooperative Extension

What are the Master Gardener Training Topics?

Master Gardener training includes a basic contemporary review of:
  • Master Gardener Program/UNH Cooperative Extension
  • Botany
  • Soils and Fertilizers
  • Insects and Diseases
  • Pesticide Use and Safety
  • Plant Propagation
  • Diagnosing Plant Problems
  • Home Vegetable Gardening
  • Composting
  • Tree Fruits and Berries
  • Tree and Shrub Culture
  • Flower Gardening
  • Lawn Care
  • Houseplants
  • Organic Cultural Practices

    Additional training topics for the Family, Home and Garden Education Center Info-Line Program include:

  • Backyard Livestock
  • Food Preservation
  • Food Safety
  • Backyard Wildlife
  • Diagnosing sick trees and shrubs, Water quality, Invasives, Urban pest problems
  • An overview of family and youth development programs and more!
Each week there is a short take-home quiz on the previous week's work. Participants are expected to maintain a 70% average quiz score to graduate from the Master Gardener program.

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How do Master Gardeners Volunteer their Time?

Once the participants graduate from the training program, it is time to begin volunteer service. Volunteer activities vary by the county needs and the volunteer's expertise and interests. Some examples of activities N.H. Master Gardeners have participated in are listed below.

  • Created and maintained demonstration gardens.
  • Gardened with the elderly and physically challenged.
  • Worked at county fairs and plant clinics.
  • Conducted gardening projects with low-income youth with Nutrition Connections.
  • Wrote gardening articles for local newspapers.
  • Conducted school gardening programs.
  • Gave talks to groups interested in horticulture.
  • Presented 4-H demonstrations.
  • Worked on special events projects.
  • Planned and completed community beautification projects.
  • Developed educational fact sheets.
  • Created and maintained historic garden restorations.
  • Produced slide programs.
  • Designed brochures.
  • Designed and maintained community and school landscapes.

How Do I Apply For the Master Gardener Program

Applications are being accepted for the Spring 2009 Master Gardener Program. Call the Info-Line at 1-877-EXT-GROW for information.  

For more information on Master Gardener activities in your community, contact your local UNH Cooperative Extension office.

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Volunteer Hours Report Top of page


Continuing Education for Master Gardeners

What are the Continuing Education opportunities for Master Gardeners?

Once Master Gardeners have completed their training they are eligible to participate in additional classes organized by the joint UNHCE and NHMGA Continuing Education Committee. In addition to classes, tours and workshops the committee organizes an Annual Meeting with volunteer recognition, lectures and networking time. For further information contact the Continuing Education chairperson.

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